module SecureHeaders class Configuration DEFAULT_CONFIG = :default NOOP_CONFIGURATION = "secure_headers_noop_config" class NotYetConfiguredError < StandardError; end class << self # Public: Set the global default configuration. # # Optionally supply a block to override the defaults set by this library. # # Returns the newly created config. def default(&block) config = new(&block) add_noop_configuration add_configuration(DEFAULT_CONFIG, config) end alias_method :configure, :default # Public: create a named configuration that overrides the default config. # # name - use an idenfier for the override config. # base - override another existing config, or override the default config # if no value is supplied. # # Returns: the newly created config def override(name, base = DEFAULT_CONFIG) unless get(base) raise NotYetConfiguredError, "#{base} policy not yet supplied" end override = @configurations[base].dup yield(override) add_configuration(name, override) end # Public: retrieve a global configuration object # # Returns the configuration with a given name or raises a # NotYetConfiguredError if `default` has not been called. def get(name = DEFAULT_CONFIG) if @configurations.nil? raise NotYetConfiguredError, "Default policy not yet supplied" end @configurations[name] end # Public: perform a basic deep dup. The shallow copy provided by dup/clone # can lead to modifying parent objects. def deep_copy(config) config.each_with_object({}) do |(key, value), hash| hash[key] = if value.is_a?(Array) value.dup else value end end end private # Private: add a valid configuration to the global set of named configs. # # config - the config to store # name - the lookup value for this config # # Raises errors if the config is invalid or if a config named `name` # already exists. # # Returns the config, if valid def add_configuration(name, config) config.validate_config! @configurations ||= {} config.send(:cache_headers!) config.freeze @configurations[name] = config end # Private: Automatically add an "opt-out of everything" override. # # Returns the noop config def add_noop_configuration noop_config = new do |config| ALL_HEADER_CLASSES.each do |klass| config.send("#{klass::CONFIG_KEY}=", OPT_OUT) end end add_configuration(NOOP_CONFIGURATION, noop_config) end end attr_accessor :hsts, :x_frame_options, :x_content_type_options, :x_xss_protection, :csp, :x_download_options, :x_permitted_cross_domain_policies, :hpkp attr_reader :cached_headers def initialize(&block) self.hpkp = OPT_OUT self.csp = self.class.deep_copy(CSP::DEFAULT_CONFIG) instance_eval &block if block_given? end # Public: copy everything but the cached headers # # Returns a deep-dup'd copy of this configuration. def dup copy = copy.hsts = hsts copy.x_frame_options = x_frame_options copy.x_content_type_options = x_content_type_options copy.x_xss_protection = x_xss_protection copy.x_download_options = x_download_options copy.x_permitted_cross_domain_policies = x_permitted_cross_domain_policies copy.csp = if csp.is_a?(Hash) self.class.deep_copy(csp) else csp end copy.hpkp = if hpkp.is_a?(Hash) self.class.deep_copy(hpkp) else hpkp end copy end # Public: Retrieve a config based on the CONFIG_KEY for a class # # Returns the value if available, and returns a dup of any hash values. def fetch(key) config = send(key) config = self.class.deep_copy(config) if config.is_a?(Hash) config end # Public: validates all configurations values. # # Raises various configuration errors if any invalid config is detected. # # Returns nothing def validate_config! StrictTransportSecurity.validate_config!(hsts) ContentSecurityPolicy.validate_config!(csp) XFrameOptions.validate_config!(x_frame_options) XContentTypeOptions.validate_config!(x_content_type_options) XXssProtection.validate_config!(x_xss_protection) XDownloadOptions.validate_config!(x_download_options) XPermittedCrossDomainPolicies.validate_config!(x_permitted_cross_domain_policies) PublicKeyPins.validate_config!(hpkp) end # Public: Precompute the header names and values for this configuraiton. # Ensures that headers generated at configure time, not on demand. # # Returns the cached headers def cache_headers! # generate defaults for the "easy" headers headers = (ALL_HEADERS_BESIDES_CSP).each_with_object({}) do |klass, hash| config = fetch(klass::CONFIG_KEY) unless config == OPT_OUT hash[klass::CONFIG_KEY] = klass.make_header(config).freeze end end generate_csp_headers(headers) headers.freeze @cached_headers = headers end # Private: adds CSP headers for each variation of CSP support. # # headers - generated headers are added to this hash namespaced by The # different variations # # Returns nothing def generate_csp_headers(headers) unless csp == OPT_OUT headers[CSP::CONFIG_KEY] = {} CSP::VARIATIONS.each do |name, _| csp_config = fetch(CSP::CONFIG_KEY) csp = CSP.make_header(csp_config, UserAgent.parse(name)) headers[CSP::CONFIG_KEY][name] = csp.freeze end end end end end