describe 'Matchers' describe 'eql' it 'should work with strings' 'test'.should.eql 'test' 'test'.should.not.eql 'foo' end it 'should work with numbers' 11.should.eql 11 10.should.not.eql 11 end it 'should work with regular expressions' a = /foo/ b = /foo/ c = /foo/g d = /bar/ a.should.eql a a.should.eql b a.should.not.eql c a.should.not.eql d end it 'should work with dates' a = new Date('May 25 1987') b = new Date('May 25 1987') c = new Date('May 25 1988') a.should.eql b a.should.not.eql c end it 'should work with arrays' [1, 2].should.eql [1, 2] [1, 2].should.not.eql [1, 3] [1, 2, [3], { foo : 'bar' }].should.eql [1, 2, [3], { foo : 'bar' }] end it 'should work with objects' { foo : 'bar' }.should.eql { foo : 'bar' } end it 'should hash compare objects with different orders' a = { one : 'two', three : 'four' } b = { three : 'four', one : 'two' } a.should.eql b end it 'should work with functions' function foo(){} function bar(){} foo.should.eql foo foo.should.not.eql bar end it 'should work with constructors' Array.should.eql Array Array.should.not.eql Object end end describe 'equal' it 'should perform strict comparisons' 'test'.should.equal 'test' '1'.should.not.equal 1 true '1' true end end describe 'match' it 'should match regular expressions' 'foobar'.should.match(/foo/) 'foobar'.should.not.match(/barfoo/) end end describe 'be_empty' it 'should consider any object with zero length to be empty' ''.should.be_empty ' '.should.not.be_empty [].should.be_empty { length : 0 }.should.be_empty {}.should.be_empty 'cookies'.should.not.be_empty [0].should.not.be_empty { length : 1 }.should.not.be_empty { foo : 'bar' }.should.not.be_empty end end describe 'be_null' it 'should check if a value is null' a = 0 b = null null.should.be_null 0.should.not.be_null a.should.not.be_null b.should.be_null end end describe 'be_undefined' it 'should check if a var is defined' var rawr rawr.should.be_undefined end end describe 'have_length' it 'should compare the length of an object' 'foo'.should.have_length 3 [1, 2].should.have_length 2 end end describe 'have_length_within' it 'should check if an object has a length within the specified range' 'foo'.should.have_length_within 2..4 'f'.should.not.have_length_within 2..4 end end describe 'have_prop' it 'should check if a property exists' 'foo'.should.have_prop 'length' end it 'should check that a property has a specific value' 'foo'.should.have_prop 'length', 3 { length : 3 }.should.have_prop 'length', 3 end it 'should check object hashes' { foo : 1..3 }.should.have_prop 'foo', 1..3 end it 'should fail when the property does not exist' 'foo'.should.not.have_prop 'foo' 'foo'.should.not.have_prop 'foo', 'bar' end it 'should fail when it is a function' 'foo'.should.not.have_prop 'toString' end end describe 'have_property' it 'should check if a property exists' 'foo'.should.have_property 'length' end it 'should check that a property has a specific value' 'foo'.should.have_property 'length', 3 { length : '3' }.should.not.have_property 'length', 3 end it 'should fail when the property does not exist' 'foo'.should.not.have_property 'foo' 'foo'.should.not.have_property 'foo', 'bar' end it 'should fail when it is a function' 'foo'.should.not.have_property 'toString' end end describe 'respond_to' it 'should check if an object contains a method' 'test'.should.respond_to('toString') 'test'.should.not.respond_to('rawr') end end describe 'include' it 'should check if an object includes a property' { hey : 'there' }.should.include 'hey' { hey : 'there' }.should.not.include 'foo' end it 'should check if a regular expression includes a string' (/(foo)?bar/).should.include '(foo)' end it 'should check if a string contains a substring' 'if (foo) return [foo, bar]'.should.include '[foo, bar' end it 'should check if a function body includes a string' -{ return [foo, bar] }.should.include 'foo', 'bar' end it 'should check if an array contains element(s)' [1,2,3].should.include 1 [1,2,3].should.include 1, 2, 3 [1].should.not.include 0 ['foo', 'bar'].should.include 'foo', 'bar' ['foo', 'bar'].should.include 'bar', 'foo' ['foo', 'bar'].should.not.include 'foo', 'rawr' ['foo', 'bar'].should.not.include 'rawr', 'foo' end it 'should check hashes of array elements' [1, [2]].should.include [2] [1, [2]].should.include [2], 1 [1, { two : 'three' }].should.include { two : 'three' } end end describe 'be_a' it 'should compare the constructor of an object' 'test'.should.be_a String [].should.be_an Array end end describe 'throw_error' it 'should check if an error is thrown' -{ throw 'error' }.should.throw_error -{ return 'test' }.should.not.throw_error end it 'should check if an error with a specific message is thrown' -{ throw 'some foo bar' }.should.throw_error('some foo bar') -{ throw 'some foo bar' }.should.throw_error(/foo bar/) -{ throw 'some foo bar' }.should.not.throw_error(/rawr/) -{ throw 'some foo bar' }.should.not.throw_error('rawr') end it 'should check if an error of a specific constructor is thrown' function CustomError() {} = "CustomError" -{ throw new Error('foo') }.should.throw_error(Error) -{ throw new CustomError('foo') }.should.throw_error(CustomError) -{ throw 'foo' }.should.not.throw_error CustomError -{ throw new CustomError('foo') }.should.not.throw_error Error end it 'should check if an error with a specific constructor and message is thrown' = "Error" function CustomError(message) { this.message = message } = "CustomError" CustomError.prototype.toString = function(){ return 'CustomError: ' + this.message } -{ throw new CustomError('oh no!') }.should.throw_error(CustomError, 'oh no!') -{ throw new CustomError('oh no!') }.should.not.throw_error(CustomError, 'foo bar') -{ throw new CustomError('oh no!') }.should.throw_error(CustomError, /oh no/) -{ throw new CustomError('oh no!') }.should.not.throw_error(CustomError, /foo bar/) -{ throw new CustomError('oh no!') }.should.not.throw_error(Error, 'oh no!') -{ throw new CustomError('oh no!') }.should.not.throw_error(Error, 'foo bar') end end describe 'be_an_instance_of' it 'should check that an object is an instance of another' MyObject = function(){} myInstance = new MyObject() {}.should.be_an_instance_of Object [].should.be_an_instance_of Array MyObject.should.be_an_instance_of Function myInstance.should.be_an_instance_of MyObject myInstance.should.be_an_instance_of Object end end describe 'be_type' it 'should compare the type of an object via typeof' 'hey'.should.be_type 'string' {}.should.be_type 'object' end end describe 'be_within' it 'should check if a number is within a range' 5.should.be_within 1..10 15.should.not.be_within 10..5 end end describe 'have' it 'should check the length of a property' person = { pets : ['izzy', 'niko'] } person.should.have 2, 'pets' person.should.not.have 3, 'pets' end end describe 'have_at_least' it 'should check if a object has at least n of a property' person = { pets : ['izzy', 'niko'] } person.should.have_at_least 1, 'pets' person.should.have_at_least 2, 'pets' person.should.not.have_at_least 3, 'pets' end end describe 'have_at_most' it 'should check if an object has at most n of a property' person = { pets : ['izzy', 'niko'] } person.should.have_at_most 2, 'pets' person.should.have_at_most 3, 'pets' person.should.not.have_at_most 1, 'pets' end end describe 'receive' before_each person = { toString : function(){ return 'person' }} personWithPets = { toString : function(){ return 'personWithPets' }, getPets : function() { return ['izzy'] }, addPet : function(name) { return ['izzy', name] }, addPets : function(a, b) { return ['izzy', a, b] } } end it 'should pass when the method is invoked' personWithPets.should.receive('getPets') personWithPets.getPets() end it 'should pass and original method should still return its result' personWithPets.should.receive('getPets') personWithPets.getPets().should.eql ['izzy'] end it 'should pass when the proper value is returned' personWithPets.should.receive('getPets').and_return(['izzy']) personWithPets.getPets() end it 'should pass when invoked the expected number of times' personWithPets.should.receive('getPets', 'twice').and_return(['izzy']) personWithPets.getPets() personWithPets.getPets() end it 'should pass when a method is invoked with specific arguments' personWithPets.should.receive('addPet', 'once').with_args('suki') personWithPets.addPet('suki') end it 'should pass with multiple arguments' personWithPets.should.receive('addPets').with_args('suki', 'max') personWithPets.addPets('suki', 'max') end it 'should pass with arguments and return value' personWithPets.should.receive('addPet').with_args('suki').and_return(['izzy', 'suki']) personWithPets.addPet('suki') end it 'should pass when argument is the correct type' personWithPets.should.receive('addPet').with_args(an_instance_of(String)) personWithPets.addPet('suki') end it 'should pass when return type is correct' personWithPets.should.receive('addPet').and_return(an_instance_of(Array)) personWithPets.addPet('suki') end it 'should pass when checking the type of multiple args and return types' personWithPets.should.receive('addPets').with_args(an_instance_of(String), an_instance_of(String)).and_return(an_instance_of(Array)) personWithPets.addPets('suki', 'max') end it 'should pass with negation when a method is not called' personWithPets.should.not.receive('addPets') end it 'should pass with negation with args' personWithPets.should.not.receive('addPets').with_args('izzy') personWithPets.addPets('max') end it 'should pass with negation with return values' personWithPets.should.not.receive('addPets').with_args('izzy').and_return('test') personWithPets.addPets('izzy') end it 'should pass with negation with times' personWithPets.should.not.receive('addPets', 'twice') personWithPets.addPets('izzy') end it 'should pass with boolean args' foo = { bar : function(arg){ return arg }} foo.should.receive('bar', 'twice').with_args(true) end it 'should pass with null args' foo = { bar : function(arg){ return arg }} foo.should.receive('bar').with_args(null) end it 'should pass with boolean return value true' foo = { bar : function(){ return true }} foo.should.receive('bar').and_return(true) end it 'should pass with boolean return value false' foo = { bar : function(){ return false }} foo.should.receive('bar').and_return(false) end it 'should pass with null return value' foo = { bar : function(){ return null }} foo.should.receive('bar').and_return(null) end it 'should fail when the method does not exist' spec = mock_it(function(){ person.should.receive('getPets') }) spec.should.have_failure_message('expected person.getPets() to be called once, but was not called') end it 'should fail when the method is never invoked' spec = mock_it(function(){ personWithPets.should.receive('getPets') }) spec.should.have_failure_message('expected personWithPets.getPets() to be called once, but was not called') end it 'should fail when improper value is returned' spec = mock_it(function(){ personWithPets.should.receive('getPets').and_return(['niko']) personWithPets.getPets() }) spec.should.have_failure_message('expected personWithPets.getPets() to return [ "niko" ] but got [ "izzy" ]') end it 'should fail when checking the type of multiple args and return types' spec = mock_it(function(){ personWithPets.should.receive('addPets').with_args(an_instance_of(String), an_instance_of(Array)).and_return(an_instance_of(Array)) personWithPets.addPets('suki', 'max') }) spec.should.have_failure_message('expected personWithPets.addPets() to be called with an instance of String, an instance of Array but was called with "suki", "max"') end it 'should fail when not invoked the expected number of times' spec = mock_it(function(){ personWithPets.should.receive('getPets', 'twice').and_return(['izzy']) personWithPets.getPets() }) spec.should.have_failure_message('expected personWithPets.getPets() to be called twice, but was called once') end it 'should fail when not invoked many times' spec = mock_it(function(){ personWithPets.should.receive('getPets', 3).and_return(['izzy']) personWithPets.getPets() personWithPets.getPets() }) spec.should.have_failure_message('expected personWithPets.getPets() to be called 3 times, but was called twice') end it 'should fail when not invoked with specific arguments' spec = mock_it(function(){ personWithPets.should.receive('addPet', 'once').with_args('suki') personWithPets.addPet('niko') }) spec.should.have_failure_message('expected personWithPets.addPet() to be called with "suki" but was called with "niko"') end it 'should fail when expecting multiple arguments' spec = mock_it(function(){ personWithPets.should.receive('addPets').with_args('suki', 'max') personWithPets.addPets('suki') }) spec.should.have_failure_message('expected personWithPets.addPets() to be called with "suki", "max" but was called with "suki"') end it 'should fail when argument is of the wrong type' spec = mock_it(function(){ personWithPets.should.receive('addPet').with_args(an_instance_of(String)) personWithPets.addPet(['suki']) }) spec.should.have_failure_message('expected personWithPets.addPet() to be called with an instance of String but was called with [ "suki" ]') end it 'should fail when return type is incorrect' spec = mock_it(function(){ personWithPets.should.receive('addPet').and_return(an_instance_of(String)) personWithPets.addPet('suki') }) spec.should.have_failure_message('expected personWithPets.addPet() to return an instance of String but got [ "izzy", "suki" ]') end it 'should fail with negation when a method is called' spec = mock_it(function(){ personWithPets.should.not.receive('addPets') personWithPets.addPets('izzy') }) spec.should.have_failure_message('expected personWithPets.addPets() not to be called once, but was called once') end it 'should fail with negation with args' spec = mock_it(function(){ personWithPets.should.not.receive('addPets').with_args('izzy') personWithPets.addPets('izzy') }) spec.should.have_failure_message('expected personWithPets.addPets() not to be called with "izzy" but was') end it 'should fail with negation with return values' spec = mock_it(function(){ personWithPets.should.not.receive('addPets').with_args('izzy').and_return(an_instance_of(Array)) personWithPets.addPets('izzy') }) spec.should.have_failure_message('expected personWithPets.addPets() not to return an instance of Array but it did') end it 'should fail with negation when called once with no times specified' spec = mock_it(function(){ personWithPets.should.not.receive('addPets') personWithPets.addPets('izzy') }) spec.should.have_failure_message('expected personWithPets.addPets() not to be called once, but was called once') end it 'should fail with negation when called more than once with no times specified' spec = mock_it(function(){ personWithPets.should.not.receive('addPets') personWithPets.addPets('izzy') personWithPets.addPets('izzy') }) spec.should.have_failure_message('expected personWithPets.addPets() not to be called once, but was called twice') end it 'should fail with negation when called more than the times specified' spec = mock_it(function(){ personWithPets.should.not.receive('addPets', 3) personWithPets.addPets('izzy') personWithPets.addPets('izzy') personWithPets.addPets('izzy') personWithPets.addPets('izzy') }) spec.should.have_failure_message('expected personWithPets.addPets() not to be called 3 times, but was called 4 times') end it 'should fail with boolean args' spec = mock_it(function(){ foo = { bar : function(arg){ return arg }} foo.should.receive('bar').with_args(true) }) spec.should.have_failure_message('expected [object Object].bar() to be called with true but was called with false') end it 'should fail with boolean return value true' spec = mock_it(function(){ foo = { bar : function(){ return true }} foo.should.receive('bar').and_return(false) }) spec.should.have_failure_message('expected [object Object].bar() to return false but got true') end it 'should fail with boolean return value false' spec = mock_it(function(){ foo = { bar : function(){ return false }} foo.should.receive('bar').and_return(true) }) spec.should.have_failure_message('expected [object Object].bar() to return true but got false') end end end