var Gmaps4Rails = { //map config map: null, // contains the map we're working on visibleInfoWindow: null, //contains the current opened infowindow userLocation: null, //contains user's location if geolocalization was performed and successful //empty slots geolocationFailure: function() { return false;}, //triggered when geolocation fails. If customized, must be like: function(navigator_handles_geolocation){} where 'navigator_handles_geolocation' is a boolean callback: function() { return false;}, //to let user set a custom callback function customClusterer: function() { return null;}, //to let user set custom clusterer pictures infobox: function() { return null;}, //to let user use custom infoboxes map_options: { id: 'gmaps4rails_map', draggable: true, detect_location: false, // should the browser attempt to use geolocation detection features of HTML5? center_on_user: false, // centers map on the location detected through the browser center_latitude: 0, center_longitude: 0, zoom: 1, maxZoom: null, minZoom: null, auto_adjust : true, // adjust the map to the markers if set to true auto_zoom: true, // zoom given by auto-adjust bounds: [] // adjust map to these limits. Should be [{"lat": , "lng": }] }, markers_conf: { // Marker config title: "", // MarkerImage config picture : "", width: 22, length: 32, draggable: false, // how to modify: <%= gmaps( "markers" => { "data" => @object.to_gmaps4rails, "options" => { "draggable" => true }}) %> //clustering config do_clustering: false, // do clustering if set to true randomize: false, // Google maps can't display two markers which have the same coordinates. This randomizer enables to prevent this situation from happening. max_random_distance: 100, // in meters. Each marker coordinate could be altered by this distance in a random direction list_container: null, // id of the ul that will host links to all markers offset: 0 //used when adding_markers to an existing map. Because new markers are concated with previous one, offset is here to prevent the existing from being re-created. }, //Stored variables markers: [], // contains all markers. A marker contains the following: {"description": , "longitude": , "title":, "latitude":, "picture": "", "width": "", "length": "", "sidebar": "", "serviceObject": google_marker} boundsObject: null, // contains current bounds from markers, polylines etc... polygons: [], // contains raw data, array of arrays (first element could be a hash containing options) polylines: [], // contains raw data, array of arrays (first element could be a hash containing options) circles: [], // contains raw data, array of hash markerClusterer: null, // contains all marker clusterers markerImages: [], //initializes the map initialize: function() { = Gmaps4Rails.createMap(); if (this.map_options.detect_location === true || this.map_options.center_on_user === true) { this.findUserLocation(); } //resets sidebar if needed this.resetSidebarContent(); }, findUserLocation: function() { if(navigator.geolocation) { //try to retrieve user's position navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function(position) { //saves the position in the userLocation variable Gmaps4Rails.userLocation = Gmaps4Rails.createLatLng(position.coords.latitude, position.coords.longitude); //change map's center to focus on user's geoloc if asked if(Gmaps4Rails.map_options.center_on_user === true) { Gmaps4Rails.centerMapOnUser(); } }, function() { //failure, but the navigator handles geolocation this.geolocationFailure(true); }); } else { //failure but the navigator doesn't handle geolocation this.geolocationFailure(false); } }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////// DIRECTIONS //////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////// create_direction: function(){ var directionsDisplay = new google.maps.DirectionsRenderer(); var directionsService = new google.maps.DirectionsService(); directionsDisplay.setMap(; //display panel only if required if (this.direction_conf.display_panel) { directionsDisplay.setPanel(document.getElementById(this.direction_conf.panel_id)); } directionsDisplay.setOptions({ suppressMarkers: false, suppressInfoWindows: false, suppressPolylines: false }); var request = { origin: this.direction_conf.origin, destination: this.direction_conf.destination, waypoints: this.direction_conf.waypoints, optimizeWaypoints: this.direction_conf.optimizeWaypoints, unitSystem: google.maps.DirectionsUnitSystem[this.direction_conf.unitSystem], avoidHighways: this.direction_conf.avoidHighways, avoidTolls: this.direction_conf.avoidTolls, region: this.direction_conf.region, travelMode: google.maps.DirectionsTravelMode[this.direction_conf.travelMode], language: "en" }; directionsService.route(request, function(response, status) { if (status == google.maps.DirectionsStatus.OK) { directionsDisplay.setDirections(response); } }); }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////// CIRCLES ////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Loops through all circles //Loops through all circles and draws them create_circles: function() { for (var i = 0; i < this.circles.length; ++i) { //by convention, default style configuration could be integrated in the first element this.create_circle(this.circles[i]); } }, create_circle: function(circle) { if ( i === 0 ) { if (this.exists(circle.strokeColor )) { this.circles_conf.strokeColor = circle.strokeColor; } if (this.exists(circle.strokeOpacity)) { this.circles_conf.strokeOpacity = circle.strokeOpacity; } if (this.exists(circle.strokeWeight )) { this.circles_conf.strokeWeight = circle.strokeWeight; } if (this.exists(circle.fillColor )) { this.circles_conf.fillColor = circle.fillColor; } if (this.exists(circle.fillOpacity )) { this.circles_conf.fillOpacity = circle.fillOpacity; } } if (this.exists( && this.exists(circle.lng)) { // always check if a config is given, if not, use defaults // NOTE: is there a cleaner way to do this? Maybe a hash merge of some sort? var newCircle = new google.maps.Circle({ center: Gmaps4Rails.createLatLng(, circle.lng), strokeColor: circle.strokeColor || this.circles_conf.strokeColor, strokeOpacity: circle.strokeOpacity || this.circles_conf.strokeOpacity, strokeWeight: circle.strokeWeight || this.circles_conf.strokeWeight, fillOpacity: circle.fillOpacity || this.circles_conf.fillOpacity, fillColor: circle.fillColor || this.circles_conf.fillColor, clickable: circle.clickable || this.circles_conf.clickable, zIndex: circle.zIndex || this.circles_conf.zIndex, radius: circle.radius }); circle.serviceObject = newCircle; newCircle.setMap(; } }, // clear circles clear_circles: function() { for (var i = 0; i < this.circles.length; ++i) { this.clear_circle(this.circles[i]); } }, clear_circle: function(circle) { circle.serviceObject.setMap(null); }, hide_circles: function() { for (var i = 0; i < this.circles.length; ++i) { this.hide_circle(this.circles[i]); } }, hide_circle: function(circle) { circle.serviceObject.setMap(null); }, show_circles: function() { for (var i = 0; i < this.circles.length; ++i) { this.show_circle(this.circles[i]); } }, show_circle: function(circle) { circle.serviceObject.setMap(; }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////// POLYGONS ///////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////// //polygons is an array of arrays. It loops. create_polygons: function(){ for (var i = 0; i < this.polygons.length; ++i) { this.create_polygon(i); } }, //creates a single polygon, triggered by create_polygons create_polygon: function(i){ var polygon_coordinates = []; var strokeColor; var strokeOpacity; var strokeWeight; var fillColor; var fillOpacity; //Polygon points are in an Array, that's why looping is necessary for (var j = 0; j < this.polygons[i].length; ++j) { var latlng = Gmaps4Rails.createLatLng(this.polygons[i][j].lat, this.polygons[i][j].lng); polygon_coordinates.push(latlng); //first element of an Array could contain specific configuration for this particular polygon. If no config given, use default if (j===0) { strokeColor = this.polygons[i][j].strokeColor || this.polygons_conf.strokeColor; strokeOpacity = this.polygons[i][j].strokeOpacity || this.polygons_conf.strokeOpacity; strokeWeight = this.polygons[i][j].strokeWeight || this.polygons_conf.strokeWeight; fillColor = this.polygons[i][j].fillColor || this.polygons_conf.fillColor; fillOpacity = this.polygons[i][j].fillOpacity || this.polygons_conf.fillOpacity; } } // Construct the polygon var new_poly = new google.maps.Polygon({ paths: polygon_coordinates, strokeColor: strokeColor, strokeOpacity: strokeOpacity, strokeWeight: strokeWeight, fillColor: fillColor, fillOpacity: fillOpacity, clickable: false }); //save polygon in list this.polygons[i].serviceObject = new_poly; new_poly.setMap(; }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////// POLYLINES ////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////// //polylines is an array of arrays. It loops. create_polylines: function(){ for (var i = 0; i < this.polylines.length; ++i) { this.create_polyline(i); } }, //creates a single polyline, triggered by create_polylines create_polyline: function(i) { var polyline_coordinates = []; var strokeColor; var strokeOpacity; var strokeWeight; //2 cases here, either we have a coded array of LatLng or we have an Array of LatLng for (var j = 0; j < this.polylines[i].length; ++j) { //if we have a coded array if (this.exists(this.polylines[i][j].coded_array)) { var decoded_array = new google.maps.geometry.encoding.decodePath(this.polylines[i][j].coded_array); //loop through every point in the array for (var k = 0; k < decoded_array.length; ++k) { polyline_coordinates.push(decoded_array[k]); polyline_coordinates.push(decoded_array[k]); } } //or we have an array of latlng else{ //by convention, a single polyline could be customized in the first array or it uses default values if (j===0) { strokeColor = this.polylines[i][0].strokeColor || this.polylines_conf.strokeColor; strokeOpacity = this.polylines[i][0].strokeOpacity || this.polylines_conf.strokeOpacity; strokeWeight = this.polylines[i][0].strokeWeight || this.polylines_conf.strokeWeight; } //add latlng if positions provided if (this.exists(this.polylines[i][j].lat) && this.exists(this.polylines[i][j].lng)) { var latlng = Gmaps4Rails.createLatLng(this.polylines[i][j].lat, this.polylines[i][j].lng); polyline_coordinates.push(latlng); } } } // Construct the polyline var new_poly = new google.maps.Polyline({ path: polyline_coordinates, strokeColor: strokeColor, strokeOpacity: strokeOpacity, strokeWeight: strokeWeight, clickable: false }); //save polyline this.polylines[i].serviceObject = new_poly; new_poly.setMap(; }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////// MARKERS ////////////////////// //////////////////tests coded/////////////////////// //creates, clusterizes and adjusts map create_markers: function() { this.markers_conf.offset = 0; this.createServiceMarkersFromMarkers(); this.clusterize(); this.adjustMapToBounds(); }, //create google.maps Markers from data provided by user createServiceMarkersFromMarkers: function() { for (var i = this.markers_conf.offset; i < this.markers.length; ++i) { //check if the marker has not already been created // if (!this.exists(this.markers[i].serviceObject && this.provider == "google")) { //extract options, test if value passed or use default var Lat = this.markers[i].lat; var Lng = this.markers[i].lng; //alter coordinates if randomize is true if ( this.markers_conf.randomize) { var LatLng = Gmaps4Rails.randomize(Lat, Lng); //retrieve coordinates from the array Lat = LatLng[0]; Lng = LatLng[1]; } //save object this.markers[i].serviceObject = Gmaps4Rails.createMarker({ "marker_picture": this.exists(this.markers[i].picture) ? this.markers[i].picture : this.markers_conf.picture, "marker_width": this.exists(this.markers[i].width) ? this.markers[i].width : this.markers_conf.width, "marker_height": this.exists(this.markers[i].height) ? this.markers[i].height : this.markers_conf.length, "marker_title": this.exists(this.markers[i].title) ? this.markers[i].title : null, "marker_anchor": this.exists(this.markers[i].marker_anchor) ? this.markers[i].marker_anchor : null, "shadow_anchor": this.exists(this.markers[i].shadow_anchor) ? this.markers[i].shadow_anchor : null, "shadow_picture": this.exists(this.markers[i].shadow_picture) ? this.markers[i].shadow_picture : null, "shadow_width": this.exists(this.markers[i].shadow_width) ? this.markers[i].shadow_width : null, "shadow_height": this.exists(this.markers[i].shadow_height) ? this.markers[i].shadow_height : null, "marker_draggable": this.exists(this.markers[i].draggable) ? this.markers[i].draggable : this.markers_conf.draggable, "rich_marker": this.exists(this.markers[i].rich_marker) ? this.markers[i].rich_marker : null, "Lat": Lat, "Lng": Lng, "index": i }); //add infowindowstuff if enabled this.createInfoWindow(this.markers[i]); //create sidebar if enabled this.createSidebar(this.markers[i]); // } } this.markers_conf.offset = this.markers.length; }, // creates Image Anchor Position or return null if nothing passed createImageAnchorPosition: function(anchorLocation) { if (anchorLocation === null) { return null; } else { return Gmaps4Rails.createPoint(anchorLocation[0], anchorLocation[1]); } }, // replace old markers with new markers on an existing map replaceMarkers: function(new_markers){ this.clearMarkers(); //reset previous markers this.markers = new Array; //reset current bounds this.boundsObject = Gmaps4Rails.createLatLngBounds(); //reset sidebar content if exists this.resetSidebarContent(); //add new markers this.addMarkers(new_markers); }, //add new markers to on an existing map addMarkers: function(new_markers){ //update the list of markers to take into account this.markers = this.markers.concat(new_markers); //put markers on the map this.create_markers(); }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////// SIDEBAR ////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////// //creates sidebar createSidebar: function(marker_container){ if (this.markers_conf.list_container) { var ul = document.getElementById(this.markers_conf.list_container); var li = document.createElement('li'); var aSel = document.createElement('a'); aSel.href = 'javascript:void(0);'; var html = this.exists(marker_container.sidebar) ? marker_container.sidebar : "Marker"; aSel.innerHTML = html; aSel.onclick = this.sidebar_element_handler(marker_container.serviceObject, 'click'); li.appendChild(aSel); ul.appendChild(li); } }, //moves map to marker clicked + open infowindow sidebar_element_handler: function(marker, eventType) { return function() {; google.maps.event.trigger(marker, eventType); }; }, resetSidebarContent: function(){ if (this.markers_conf.list_container !== null ){ var ul = document.getElementById(this.markers_conf.list_container); ul.innerHTML = ""; } }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////// MISCELLANEOUS /////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////// //to make the map fit the different LatLng points adjustMapToBounds: function(latlng) { //FIRST_STEP: retrieve all bounds //create the bounds object only if necessary if (this.map_options.auto_adjust || this.map_options.bounds !== null) { this.boundsObject = Gmaps4Rails.createLatLngBounds(); } //if autodjust is true, must get bounds from markers polylines etc... if (this.map_options.auto_adjust) { //from markers Gmaps4Rails.extendBoundsWithMarkers(); //from polygons: for (var i = 0; i < this.polylines.length; ++i) { this.polylines[i].serviceObject.latLngs.forEach(function(obj1){ obj1.forEach(function(obj2){ Gmaps4Rails.boundsObject.extend(obj2);} );}); } //from polylines: for (var i = 0; i < this.polygons.length; ++i) { this.polygons[i].serviceObject.latLngs.forEach(function(obj1){ obj1.forEach(function(obj2){ Gmaps4Rails.boundsObject.extend(obj2);} );}); } //from circles for (var i = 0; i < this.circles.length; ++i) { this.boundsObject.extend(this.circles[i].serviceObject.getBounds().getNorthEast()); this.boundsObject.extend(this.circles[i].serviceObject.getBounds().getSouthWest()); } } //in every case, I've to take into account the bounds set up by the user for (var i = 0; i < this.map_options.bounds.length; ++i) { //create points from bounds provided var bound = Gmaps4Rails.createLatLng(this.map_options.bounds[i].lat, this.map_options.bounds[i].lng); this.boundsObject.extend(bound); } //SECOND_STEP: ajust the map to the bounds if (this.map_options.auto_adjust || this.map_options.bounds.length > 0) { //if autozoom is false, take user info into account if(!this.map_options.auto_zoom) { var map_center = this.boundsObject.getCenter(); this.map_options.center_latitude =; this.map_options.center_longitude = map_center.lng();; } else { Gmaps4Rails.fitBounds(); } } }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////// Basic functions ////////////////// ///////////////////tests coded////////////////////// //basic function to check existence of a variable exists: function(var_name) { return (var_name !== "" && typeof var_name !== "undefined"); }, //randomize randomize: function(Lat0, Lng0) { //distance in meters between 0 and max_random_distance (positive or negative) var dx = this.markers_conf.max_random_distance * this.random(); var dy = this.markers_conf.max_random_distance * this.random(); var Lat = parseFloat(Lat0) + (180/Math.PI)*(dy/6378137); var Lng = parseFloat(Lng0) + ( 90/Math.PI)*(dx/6378137)/Math.cos(Lat0); return [Lat, Lng]; }, //gives a value between -1 and 1 random: function() { return(Math.random() * 2 -1); } };