= Sinatra Application Template A base Sinatra application template. Just fork and build. Yay! Includes Bundler, DataMapper, RSpec2, and Haml, all ready to go. Works with both Ruby 1.8.7 and Ruby 1.9.2. == Configuration Dependencies and all configuration is done in environment.rb. Your database is also set up here. DataMapper will use sqlite3 by default. Tests use the sqlite3-memory adapter (no configuration needed). Add your controller actions in application.rb. Views for these actions are placed in the views directory. Static files, including a stock stylesheet, go in the public directory. Models go in the lib directory and are auto-loaded. == Testing Add your specs in spec; just require spec_helper.rb to pre-configure the test environment. A number of samples are provided (including a sample model, which can be removed). To run the specs: rake spec == Getting Started bundle install rake db:migrate ruby application.rb == Thanks This project includes contributions from the following developers: * garrensmith * bryanwoods * flexd * mcollina (c) 2011 Nick Plante. This code is distributed under the MIT license.