module Spree module Core module Importer class Order def self.import(user, params) begin ensure_country_id_from_params params[:ship_address_attributes] ensure_state_id_from_params params[:ship_address_attributes] ensure_country_id_from_params params[:bill_address_attributes] ensure_state_id_from_params params[:bill_address_attributes] create_params = params.slice :currency order = Spree::Order.create! create_params order.associate_user!(user) shipments_attrs = params.delete(:shipments_attributes) create_line_items_from_params(params.delete(:line_items_attributes),order) create_shipments_from_params(shipments_attrs, order) create_adjustments_from_params(params.delete(:adjustments_attributes), order) create_payments_from_params(params.delete(:payments_attributes), order) if completed_at = params.delete(:completed_at) order.completed_at = completed_at order.state = 'complete' end params.delete(:user_id) unless user.try(:has_spree_role?, "admin") && params.key?(:user_id) order.update_attributes!(params) order.create_proposed_shipments unless shipments_attrs.present? # Really ensure that the order totals & states are correct order.updater.update if shipments_attrs.present? order.shipments.each_with_index do |shipment, index| shipment.update_columns(cost: shipments_attrs[index][:cost].to_f) if shipments_attrs[index][:cost].present? end end order.reload rescue Exception => e order.destroy if order && order.persisted? raise e.message end end def self.create_shipments_from_params(shipments_hash, order) return [] unless shipments_hash shipments_hash.each do |s| begin shipment = shipment.tracking = s[:tracking] shipment.stock_location = Spree::StockLocation.find_by_admin_name(s[:stock_location]) || Spree::StockLocation.find_by_name!(s[:stock_location]) inventory_units = create_inventory_units_from_order_and_params(order, s[:inventory_units]) inventory_units.each do |inventory_unit| inventory_unit.shipment = shipment if s[:shipped_at].present? inventory_unit.pending = false inventory_unit.state = 'shipped' end! end if s[:shipped_at].present? shipment.shipped_at = s[:shipped_at] shipment.state = 'shipped' end! shipping_method = Spree::ShippingMethod.find_by_name(s[:shipping_method]) || Spree::ShippingMethod.find_by_admin_name!(s[:shipping_method]) rate = shipment.shipping_rates.create!(shipping_method: shipping_method, cost: s[:cost]) shipment.selected_shipping_rate_id = shipment.update_amounts adjustments = s.delete(:adjustments_attributes) create_adjustments_from_params(adjustments, order, shipment) rescue Exception => e raise "Order import shipments: #{e.message} #{s}" end end end def self.create_inventory_units_from_order_and_params(order, inventory_unit_params) inventory_unit_params.reduce([]) do |inventory_units, inventory_unit_param| ensure_variant_id_from_params(inventory_unit_param) existing = inventory_units.detect { |unit| unit.variant_id == inventory_unit_param[:variant_id] } if existing existing.quantity += 1 else line_item = order.line_items.detect { |ln| ln.variant_id = inventory_unit_param[:variant_id] } inventory_units << line_item, order_id:, variant: line_item.variant, quantity: 1) end inventory_units end end def self.create_line_items_from_params(line_items, order) return {} unless line_items iterator = case line_items when Hash ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn(<<-EOS, caller) Passing a hash is now deprecated and will be removed in Spree 4.0. It is recommended that you pass it as an array instead. New Syntax: { "order": { "line_items": [ { "variant_id": 123, "quantity": 1 }, { "variant_id": 456, "quantity": 1 } ] } } Old Syntax: { "order": { "line_items": { "1": { "variant_id": 123, "quantity": 1 }, "2": { "variant_id": 123, "quantity": 1 } } } } EOS :each_value when Array :each end line_items.send(iterator) do |line_item| begin adjustments = line_item.delete(:adjustments_attributes) extra_params = line_item.except(:variant_id, :quantity, :sku) line_item = ensure_variant_id_from_params(line_item) variant = Spree::Variant.find(line_item[:variant_id]) line_item = order.contents.add(variant, line_item[:quantity]) # Raise any errors with saving to prevent import succeeding with line items # failing silently. if extra_params.present? line_item.update_attributes!(extra_params) else! end create_adjustments_from_params(adjustments, order, line_item) rescue Exception => e raise "Order import line items: #{e.message} #{line_item}" end end end def self.create_adjustments_from_params(adjustments, order, adjustable = nil) return [] unless adjustments adjustments.each do |a| begin adjustment = (adjustable || order) order: order, amount: a[:amount].to_f, label: a[:label], source_type: source_type_from_adjustment(a) )! adjustment.close! rescue Exception => e raise "Order import adjustments: #{e.message} #{a}" end end end def self.create_payments_from_params(payments_hash, order) return [] unless payments_hash payments_hash.each do |p| begin payment = order: order payment.amount = p[:amount].to_f # Order API should be using state as that's the normal payment field. # spree_wombat serializes payment state as status so imported orders should fall back to status field. payment.state = p[:state] || p[:status] || 'completed' payment.created_at = p[:created_at] if p[:created_at] payment.payment_method = Spree::PaymentMethod.find_by_name!(p[:payment_method]) payment.source = create_source_payment_from_params(p[:source], payment) if p[:source]! rescue Exception => e raise "Order import payments: #{e.message} #{p}" end end end def self.create_source_payment_from_params(source_hash, payment) begin Spree::CreditCard.create( month: source_hash[:month], year: source_hash[:year], cc_type: source_hash[:cc_type], last_digits: source_hash[:last_digits], name: source_hash[:name], payment_method: payment.payment_method, gateway_customer_profile_id: source_hash[:gateway_customer_profile_id], gateway_payment_profile_id: source_hash[:gateway_payment_profile_id], imported: true ) rescue Exception => e raise "Order import source payments: #{e.message} #{source_hash}" end end def self.ensure_variant_id_from_params(hash) begin sku = hash.delete(:sku) unless hash[:variant_id].present? hash[:variant_id] =!(sku).id end hash rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound => e raise "Ensure order import variant: Variant w/SKU #{sku} not found." rescue Exception => e raise "Ensure order import variant: #{e.message} #{hash}" end end def self.ensure_country_id_from_params(address) return if address.nil? or address[:country_id].present? or address[:country].nil? begin search = {} if name = address[:country]['name'] search[:name] = name elsif iso_name = address[:country]['iso_name'] search[:iso_name] = iso_name.upcase elsif iso = address[:country]['iso'] search[:iso] = iso.upcase elsif iso3 = address[:country]['iso3'] search[:iso3] = iso3.upcase end address.delete(:country) address[:country_id] = Spree::Country.where(search).first!.id rescue Exception => e raise "Ensure order import address country: #{e.message} #{search}" end end def self.ensure_state_id_from_params(address) return if address.nil? or address[:state_id].present? or address[:state].nil? begin search = {} if name = address[:state]['name'] search[:name] = name elsif abbr = address[:state]['abbr'] search[:abbr] = abbr.upcase end address.delete(:state) search[:country_id] = address[:country_id] if state = Spree::State.where(search).first address[:state_id] = else address[:state_name] = search[:name] || search[:abbr] end rescue Exception => e raise "Ensure order import address state: #{e.message} #{search}" end end def self.source_type_from_adjustment(adjustment) if adjustment[:tax] 'Spree::TaxRate' elsif adjustment[:promotion] 'Spree::PromotionAction' end end end end end end