describe "Joosy.Resource.REST", -> beforeEach -> @server = sinon.fakeServer.create() class @Test extends Joosy.Resource.REST @entity 'test' afterEach -> @server.restore() it "should have default primary key", -> expect(@Test::__primaryKey).toEqual 'id' it "should have appropriate accessors", -> @Test.entity 'tada' expect(@Test::__entityName).toEqual 'tada' @Test.source 'uri' expect(@Test.__source).toEqual 'uri' expect(@Test.__buildSource()).toEqual 'uri/' @Test.primary 'uid' expect(@Test::__primaryKey).toEqual 'uid' @Test.beforeLoad 'function' expect(@Test::__beforeLoad).toEqual 'function' it "should build source url based on entity name", -> options = extension: 'id' params: test: 1 expect(@Test.__buildSource(options)).toEqual '/tests/id?test=1' it "should have overloaded constructor", -> resource = @Test.create 'someId' expect( 'someId' data = {id: 'someId', field: 'value'} rooted = @Test.create {test: data} unrooted = @Test.create data expect(rooted.e).toEqual unrooted.e expect( 'someId' expect( 'someId' expect(rooted.e.field).toEqual 'value' it 'should find single object', -> @Test.beforeLoad beforeLoadCallback = sinon.spy (data) -> expect( 1 expect( 'test1' Object.extended(data) @Test.find 1, callback = sinon.spy (target) -> expect( 1 expect(target.e?.name).toEqual 'test1' target = @server.requests[0] expect(target.method).toEqual 'GET' expect(target.url).toMatch /^\/tests\/1\?_=\d+/ target.respond 200, 'Content-Type': 'application/json', '{"test": {"id": 1, "name": "test1"}}' expect(callback.callCount).toEqual 1 expect(beforeLoadCallback.callCount).toEqual 1 it 'should find objects collection with params', -> callback = sinon.spy (collection) -> i = 1 expect(collection instanceof Joosy.Resource.RESTCollection).toBeTruthy() (target) -> expect( i expect(target.e?.name).toEqual 'test' + i i += 1 @Test.find null, callback target = @server.requests[0] expect(target.method).toEqual 'GET' expect(target.url).toMatch /^\/tests\/\?_=\d+/ target.respond 200, 'Content-Type': 'application/json', '[{"id": 1, "name": "test1"}, {"id": 2, "name": "test2"}]' expect(callback.callCount).toEqual 1 it 'should find all objects collection', -> callback = sinon.spy (collection) -> i = 1 expect(collection instanceof Joosy.Resource.RESTCollection).toBeTruthy() (target) -> expect( i expect(target.e?.name).toEqual 'test' + i i += 1 @Test.find callback target = @server.requests[0] expect(target.method).toEqual 'GET' expect(target.url).toMatch /^\/tests\/\?_=\d+/ target.respond 200, 'Content-Type': 'application/json', '[{"id": 1, "name": "test1"}, {"id": 2, "name": "test2"}]' expect(callback.callCount).toEqual 1 it 'should destroy single object', -> obj = @Test.create 1 callback = sinon.spy (target) -> expect(target).toBe obj obj.destroy callback target = @server.requests[0] expect(target.method).toEqual 'DELETE' expect(target.url).toEqual '/tests/1' target.respond 200 expect(callback.callCount).toEqual 1 it "should identify identifiers", -> [0, 123, -5, '123abd', 'whatever'].each (variant) => expect(@Test.__isId variant).toBeTruthy() [(->) , [], {}, null, undefined, true, false].each (variant) => expect(@Test.__isId variant).toBeFalsy() it "should trigger 'changed' on fetch", -> resource = @Test.find 1, callback = sinon.spy (target) -> expect( 1 expect(target.e?.name).toEqual 'test1' target = @server.requests[0] expect(target.method).toEqual 'GET' expect(target.url).toMatch /^\/tests\/1\?_=\d+/ target.respond 200, 'Content-Type': 'application/json', '{"test": {"id": 1, "name": "test1"}}' expect(callback.callCount).toEqual 1 resource.bind 'changed', callback = sinon.spy() resource.fetch() target = @server.requests[1] expect(target.method).toEqual 'GET' expect(target.url).toMatch /^\/tests\/1\?_=\d+/ target.respond 200, 'Content-Type': 'application/json', '{"test": {"id": 1, "name": "test1"}}' expect(callback.callCount).toEqual 1