= BiVeS Ruby Gem
Authors:: Stuart Owen, Martin Scharm
Contact:: http://fair-dom.org/contact
Homepage:: http://fair-dom.org
Source code:: https://github.com/SysMO-DB/bives
Licence:: Apache 2.0 (See Licence file or http://opensource.org/licenses/Apache-2.0)
Copyright:: (c) 2014, 2015 The University of Manchester, UK
== Synopsis
This is a Ruby Gem which wraps the BiVeS java tool.
Its purpose is to produce and comparison of difference between two SBML models, based on the XyDiff algorithm.
BiVeS is developed at SEMS, Rostock, Germany, and more information can be found at https://sems.uni-rostock.de/projects/bives/ .
BiVeS is used as part of the {Seek4Science}[http://seek4science.org] project, but is a standalone library.
== Usage
include the gem in your Gemfile with:
gem 'bives'
then to use in your code
include Bives
where file1 and file2 are File objects.
The result is a HTML report of the differences.
You can see an example in our {Tests}[https://github.com/SysMO-DB/bives/blob/master/test/bives_test.rb]