Given /^this project is active project folder/ do @active_project_folder = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../..") end Given /^env variable \$([\w_]+) set to( project path|) "(.*)"/ do |env_var, path, value| in_project_folder { value = File.expand_path(value) } unless path.empty? ENV[env_var] = value end Given /"(.*)" folder is deleted/ do |folder| in_project_folder { FileUtils.rm_rf folder } end When /^I invoke "(.*)" generator with arguments "(.*)"$/ do |generator, arguments| @stdout = in_project_folder do if Object.const_defined?("APP_ROOT") APP_ROOT.replace(FileUtils.pwd) else APP_ROOT = FileUtils.pwd end run_generator(generator, arguments.split(' '), SOURCES, :stdout => @stdout) end, "generator.out"), "w") do |f| @stdout.rewind f << end end When /^I run executable "(.*)" with arguments "(.*)"/ do |executable, arguments| @stdout = File.expand_path(File.join(@tmp_root, "executable.out")) in_project_folder do system "#{executable.inspect} #{arguments} > #{@stdout.inspect} 2> #{@stdout.inspect}" end end When /^I run project executable "(.*)" with arguments "(.*)"/ do |executable, arguments| @stdout = File.expand_path(File.join(@tmp_root, "executable.out")) in_project_folder do system "ruby -rubygems #{executable.inspect} #{arguments} > #{@stdout.inspect} 2> #{@stdout.inspect}" end end When /^I run local executable "(.*)" with arguments "(.*)"/ do |executable, arguments| @stdout = File.expand_path(File.join(@tmp_root, "executable.out")) executable = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "/../../bin", executable)) in_project_folder do system "ruby -rubygems #{executable.inspect} #{arguments} > #{@stdout.inspect} 2> #{@stdout.inspect}" end end When /^I invoke task "rake (.*)"/ do |task| @stdout = File.expand_path(File.join(@tmp_root, "tests.out")) in_project_folder do system "bundle exec rake #{task} --trace > #{@stdout.inspect} 2> #{@stdout.inspect}" end end Then /^folder "(.*)" (is|is not) created/ do |folder, is| in_project_folder do File.exists?(folder).should(is == 'is' ? be_true : be_false) end end Then /^file "(.*)" (is|is not) created/ do |file, is| in_project_folder do File.exists?(file).should(is == 'is' ? be_true : be_false) end end Then /^file with name matching "(.*)" is created/ do |pattern| in_project_folder do Dir[pattern].should_not be_empty end end Then /^file "(.*)" contents (does|does not) match \/(.*)\// do |file, does, regex| in_project_folder do actual_output = (does == 'does') ? actual_output.should(match(/#{regex}/)) : actual_output.should_not(match(/#{regex}/)) end end Then /^file "([^"]*)" contains "([^"]*)"$/ do |file, text| in_project_folder do actual_output = actual_output.should contain(text) end end Then /gem file "(.*)" and generated file "(.*)" should be the same/ do |gem_file, project_file| File.exists?(gem_file).should be_true File.exists?(project_file).should be_true gem_file_contents = + "/../../#{gem_file}") project_file_contents =, project_file)) project_file_contents.should == gem_file_contents end Then /^(does|does not) invoke generator "(.*)"$/ do |does_invoke, generator| actual_output = get_command_output does_invoke == "does" ? actual_output.should(match(/dependency\s+#{generator}/)) : actual_output.should_not(match(/dependency\s+#{generator}/)) end Then /help options "(.*)" and "(.*)" are displayed/ do |opt1, opt2| actual_output = get_command_output actual_output.should match(/#{opt1}/) actual_output.should match(/#{opt2}/) end Then /^I should see "([^\"]*)"$/ do |text| actual_output = get_command_output actual_output.should contain(text) end Then /^I should not see "([^\"]*)"$/ do |text| actual_output = actual_output.should_not contain(text) end Then /^I should see$/ do |text| actual_output = get_command_output actual_output.should contain(text) end Then /^I should not see$/ do |text| actual_output = get_command_output actual_output.should_not contain(text) end Then /^I should see exactly$/ do |text| actual_output = get_command_output actual_output.should == text end Then /^I should see all (\d+) tests pass/ do |expected_test_count| expected = %r{^#{expected_test_count} tests, \d+ assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors} actual_output = get_command_output actual_output.should match(expected) end Then /^I should see all (\d+) examples pass/ do |expected_test_count| expected = %r{^#{expected_test_count} examples?, 0 failures} actual_output = get_command_output actual_output.should match(expected) end Then /^yaml file "(.*)" contains (\{.*\})/ do |file, yaml| in_project_folder do yaml = eval yaml YAML.load( == yaml end end Then /^Rakefile can display tasks successfully/ do @stdout = File.expand_path(File.join(@tmp_root, "rakefile.out")) in_project_folder do system "rake -T > #{@stdout.inspect} 2> #{@stdout.inspect}" end actual_output = get_command_output actual_output.should match(/^rake\s+\w+\s+#\s.*/) end Then /^task "rake (.*)" is executed successfully/ do |task| @stdout.should_not be_nil actual_output = get_command_output actual_output.should_not match(/^Don't know how to build task '#{task}'/) actual_output.should_not match(/Error/i) end Then /^gem spec key "(.*)" contains \/(.*)\// do |key, regex| in_project_folder do gem_file = Dir["pkg/*.gem"].first gem_spec = Gem::Specification.from_yaml(`gem spec #{gem_file}`) spec_value = gem_spec.send(key.to_sym) spec_value.to_s.should match(/#{regex}/) end end Then /^the file "([^\"]*)" is a valid gemspec$/ do |filename| spec = eval( spec.validate end When /^I create a new node with the following options on "http:\/\/(.+?):(\d+)":$/ do |host, port, table| options = table.raw.inject({}) do |options, (key, value)| options[(key.to_sym rescue key) || key] = value options end Hudson::Api.setup_base_url(:host => host, :port => port.to_i) Hudson::Api.add_node(options) end