require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper') describe :conekta_tests do Conekta.api_key = '1tv5yJp3xnVZ7eK67m4h' describe :payouts_tests do p "payout tests" before :each do @valid_payment_method = {amount: 2000, currency: 'mxn', description: 'Some desc'} @invalid_payment_method = {amount: 10, currency: 'mxn', description: 'Some desc'} @valid_visa_card = {card: 'tok_test_visa_4242'} end it "succesful get payout" do payee = Conekta::Payee.create(name: "John Doe", email: "", phone: "555555555", bank: { account_number: '032180000118359719', account_holder: 'J D - Radcorp', description: 'Conekta To JD', statement_description: 'Conekta To JD 111111111', statement_reference: '111111111' }, billing_address:{ company_name: 'Rad Corp', tax_id: 'tax121212abc', street1: 'Guadalupe 73', street2: 'Despacho 32', street3: 'Condesa', city: 'Cuauhtemoc', state: 'DF', country: 'MX', zip: '06100' }) payee.class.class_name.should eq("Payee") eq("555555555") payee.payout_methods.first.account_number.should eq('032180000118359719') payee.payout_methods.first.account_holder.should eq('J D - Radcorp') eq('ixe') payee.default_payout_method_id.should_not eq(nil) payee.payout_methods.first.description.should eq('Conekta To JD') payee.payout_methods.first.statement_description.should eq('Conekta To JD 111111111') payee.payout_methods.first.statement_reference.should eq('111111111') payee.billing_address.company_name.should eq('Rad Corp') payee.billing_address.tax_id.should eq('tax121212abc') eq('06100') payout = Conekta::Payout.create(amount: 5000, currency: "MXN", payee: payout.class.class_name.should eq("Payout") payout.amount.should eq(5000) payout.currency.should eq("MXN") payout.method.account_number.should eq('032180000118359719') payout.method.account_holder.should eq('J D - Radcorp') eq('ixe') payout.transactions.count.should eq(0) end end describe :charge_tests do p "charge tests" before :each do @valid_payment_method = {amount: 2000, currency: 'mxn', description: 'Some desc'} @invalid_payment_method = {amount: 10, currency: 'mxn', description: 'Some desc'} @valid_visa_card = {card: 'tok_test_visa_4242'} end it "succesful get charge" do pm = @valid_payment_method card = @valid_visa_card cpm = Conekta::Charge.create(pm.merge(card)) cpm.status.should eq("paid") pm = Conekta::Charge.find( pm.class.class_name.should eq("Charge") end it "test succesful where" do charges = Conekta::Charge.where charges.class.class_name.should eq("ConektaObject") charges[0].class.class_name.should eq("Charge") end it "tests succesful bank pm create" do pm = @valid_payment_method bank = {bank: {'type' => 'banorte'}} bpm = Conekta::Charge.create(pm.merge(bank)) bpm.status.should eq("pending_payment") end it "tests succesful card pm create" do pm = @valid_payment_method card = @valid_visa_card cpm = Conekta::Charge.create(pm.merge(card)) cpm.status.should eq("paid") end it "tests succesful oxxo pm create" do pm = @valid_payment_method oxxo = {cash: {'type' => 'oxxo'}} bpm = Conekta::Charge.create(pm.merge(oxxo)) bpm.status.should eq("pending_payment") end it "test unsuccesful pm create" do pm = @invalid_payment_method card = @valid_visa_card begin cpm = Conekta::Charge.create(pm.merge(card)) rescue Conekta::Error => e e.message.should eq("The minimum for card payments is 3 pesos. Check that the amount is in cents as explained in the documentation.") end end it "test susccesful refund" do pm = @valid_payment_method card = @valid_visa_card cpm = Conekta::Charge.create(pm.merge(card)) cpm.status.should eq("paid") cpm.refund cpm.status.should eq("refunded") end it "test unsusccesful refund" do pm = @valid_payment_method card = @valid_visa_card cpm = Conekta::Charge.create(pm.merge(card)) cpm.status.should eq("paid") begin cpm.refund(3000) rescue Conekta::Error => e e.message.should eq("The order does not exist or the amount to refund is invalid") end end it "tests succesful card pm create" do pm = @valid_payment_method card = @valid_visa_card capture = {capture: false} cpm = Conekta::Charge.create(pm.merge(card).merge(capture)) cpm.status.should eq("pre_authorized") cpm.capture cpm.status.should eq("paid") end end describe :customer_tests do p "customer tests" it "successful customer create" do customer = Conekta::Customer.create({ :cards => ["tok_test_visa_4242"], }) customer.class.class_name.should eq("Customer") end it "successful customer get" do c = Conekta::Customer.create({ :cards => ["tok_test_visa_4242"], }) customer = Conekta::Customer.find( customer.class.class_name.should eq("Customer") end it "successful customer where" do customers = Conekta::Customer.where customers.class.class_name.should eq("ConektaObject") customers[0].class.class_name.should eq("Customer") end it "successful customer delete" do customer = Conekta::Customer.create({ :cards => ["tok_test_visa_4242"], }) customer.delete customer.deleted.should eq(true) end it "successful customer update" do customer = Conekta::Customer.create({ :cards => ["tok_test_visa_4242"], }) customer.update({name: 'Logan', email: ''}) eq('Logan') end it "successful customer update" do begin customer = Conekta::Customer.create({ :cards => ["tok_test_visa_4241"], }) rescue Conekta::Error => e e.message.should eq("Object tok_test_visa_4241 could not be found.") end end it "add card to customer" do customer = Conekta::Customer.create({ :cards => ["tok_test_visa_4242"], }) card = customer.create_card(:token => 'tok_test_visa_1881') eq(2) eq('1881') end it "test delete card" do customer = Conekta::Customer.create({ :cards => ["tok_test_visa_4242"], }) card =[0].delete card.deleted.should eq(true) end it "test update card" do customer = Conekta::Customer.create({ :cards => ["tok_test_visa_4242"], })[0].update({token: 'tok_test_mastercard_4444', active: false})[0].last4.should eq('4444') end it "test succesful create subscription" do customer = Conekta::Customer.create({ :cards => ["tok_test_visa_4242"], }) subscription = customer.create_subscription({plan: 'gold-plan'}) subscription.class.class_name.should eq('Subscription') end it "test succesful update subscription" do customer = Conekta::Customer.create({ :cards => ["tok_test_visa_4242"], }) subscription = customer.create_subscription({plan: 'gold-plan'}) begin plan = Conekta::Plan.find('gold-plan2') rescue Conekta::Error => e plan = Conekta::Plan.create({ id: "gold-plan2", name: "Gold Plan", amount: 10000, currency: "MXN", interval: "month", frequency: 1, trial_period_days: 15, expiry_count: 12 }) end subscription.update({plan:}) subscription.plan_id.should eq('gold-plan2') end it "test unsuccesful create subscription" do customer = Conekta::Customer.create({ :cards => ["tok_test_visa_4242"], }) begin subscription = customer.create_subscription({plan: 'unexistent-plan'}) rescue Conekta::Error => e e.message.should eq("Object Plan unexistent-plan could not be found.") end end it "test succesful pause subscription" do customer = Conekta::Customer.create({ :cards => ["tok_test_visa_4242"], }) subscription = customer.create_subscription({plan: 'gold-plan'}) subscription.pause subscription.status.should eq('paused') end it "test succesful resume subscription" do customer = Conekta::Customer.create({ :cards => ["tok_test_visa_4242"], }) subscription = customer.create_subscription({plan: 'gold-plan'}) subscription.resume subscription.status.should eq('active') end it "test succesful cancel subscription" do customer = Conekta::Customer.create({ :cards => ["tok_test_visa_4242"], }) subscription = customer.create_subscription({plan: 'gold-plan'}) subscription.cancel subscription.status.should eq('canceled') end end describe :error_tests do p "error tests" it "test no id error" do begin charge = Conekta::Charge.find(nil) rescue Conekta::Error => e e.message.should eq('Could not get the id of Charge instance.') end end it "test no connection error" do api_url = Conekta::api_base Conekta::api_base = 'http://localhost:3001' begin customer = Conekta::Customer.create({cards: ["tok_test_visa_4242"]}) rescue Exception => e e.class_name.should eq("NoConnectionError") end Conekta::api_base = api_url end it "test api error" do begin customer = Conekta::Customer.create({cards: {0=>"tok_test_visa_4242"}}) rescue Conekta::Error => e e.class_name.should eq("ParameterValidationError") end end it "test authentication error" do Conekta::api_key = "" begin customer = Conekta::Customer.create({cards: ["tok_test_visa_4242"]}) rescue Conekta::Error => e e.class_name.should eq("AuthenticationError") end Conekta.api_key = '1tv5yJp3xnVZ7eK67m4h' end it "test parameter validation error" do begin plan = Conekta::Plan.create({id: 'gold-plan'}) rescue Conekta::Error => e e.class_name.should eq("ParameterValidationError") end end it "test processing error" do charge = nil charges = Conekta::Charge.where() charges.each do |(k,v)| if v.status == "pre_authorized" charge = v break end end begin if charge charge.capture end rescue Conekta::Error => e e.class_name.should eq("ProcessingError") end end it "test resource not found error" do begin charge = Conekta::Charge.find(1) rescue Conekta::Error => e e.class_name.should eq("ResourceNotFoundError") end end end describe :event_tests do p "event tests" it "test succesful where" do events = Conekta::Event.where events.class_name.should eq("ConektaObject") events[0].class_name.should eq("Event") if !events[0].webhook_logs.empty? events[0].webhook_logs.first.class_name.should eq("WebhookLog") end end end describe :token_tests do p "token tests" end describe :plan_tests do p "plan tests" it "test succesful get plan" do plans = Conekta::Plan.where p = plans.first; plan = Conekta::Plan.find( plan.class_name.should eq("Plan") end it "test succesful where" do plans = Conekta::Plan.where plans.class_name.should eq("ConektaObject") plans.first.class_name.should eq("Plan") end it "test succesful create plan" do plans = Conekta::Plan.where plan = Conekta::Plan.create({ id: ((0...8).map { (65 + rand(26)).chr }.join), name: "Gold Plan", amount: 10000, currency: "MXN", interval: "month", frequency: 10, trial_period_days: 15, expiry_count: 12 } ) plan.class_name.should eq("Plan") end it "test update plan" do plans = Conekta::Plan.where plan = plans.first plan.update({name: "Silver Plan"}) eq("Silver Plan") end it "test delete plan" do plans = Conekta::Plan.where plan = plans.first plan.delete plan.deleted.should eq(true) end end end