module Template class Spec require 'date' attr_accessor :identifier, :block_actions_under_git attr_reader :post_actions, :required_files def self.identifier_is_ambiguous(identifier) specs_matching_identifier(identifier).count == 1 end def self.specs_matching_identifier(identifier) chunks = identifier.split(File::SEPARATOR) name = chunks.pop repo = chunks.count > 0 ? File.join(chunks.pop, '**') : '**' Dir.glob(File.join(Klipp::Configuration.root_dir, repo, "#{name}.klippspec")) end def self.spec_path_for_identifier(identifier) specs = specs_matching_identifier identifier raise "Unknown template: #{identifier}. Use `klipp template list` to see your options" unless specs && specs.count > 0 raise "Found multiple templates named #{identifier}, use a full template identifier to pick one. Run `klipp template list` to see your options" if specs && specs.count > 1 specs.first end def self.hash_for_spec_path(spec_path) relative_spec = spec_path.gsub(Klipp::Configuration.root_dir, '') { name: File.basename(spec_path, '.klippspec'), repo: relative_spec.split(File::SEPARATOR).map { |x| x=="" ? File::SEPARATOR : x }[1..-1].first } end def self.hash_to_identifier(template_hash) "#{template_hash[:repo]}/#{template_hash[:name]}" end def self.expand_identifier(template_identifier) path = spec_path_for_identifier template_identifier hash = hash_for_spec_path path hash_to_identifier hash end def self.from_file(path) string = path spec = spec.from_string(string, path) end def initialize @tokens = Hash[] @required_files = self[:BLANK] ='', true) self[:DATE] ='%F'), true) self[:YEAR] ='%Y'), true) end def post_action=(action) post_actions << action end def post_actions @post_actions ||= [] end def post_actions=(post_actions) @post_actions = post_actions.is_a?(Array) ? post_actions : [post_actions.to_s] end def pre_action=(action) pre_actions << action end def pre_actions @pre_actions ||= [] end def pre_actions=(pre_actions) @pre_actions = pre_actions.is_a?(Array) ? pre_actions : [pre_actions.to_s] end def from_string(string, path) begin eval(string, nil, path) rescue Exception => e raise "Error evaluating spec: #{File.basename(path)}: #{e.message}\n #{e.backtrace.join("\n ")}" end validate_spec end # This method is called from the klippspec def spec identifier, &config self.identifier = identifier begin config.yield(self) if (block_given?) rescue Exception => e raise "Invalid klippspec configuration: #{e.message}\n #{e.backtrace.join("\n ")}" end validate_spec end def token identifier, &config token = raise 'Incomplete token configuration' unless block_given? config.yield(token) self[identifier] = token end def [](name) @tokens[name] end def []=(name, token) raise "Redeclaring tokens not allowed: #{name}" if @tokens[name] @tokens[name] = token end def validate_spec msg = 'Template configuration invalid: ' invalidate msg+'missing name' unless @identifier && @identifier.length > 0 self end def set_token_values(tokens, verbose=false) token_errors = Hash[] puts() if verbose tokens.each do |name, value| token = self[name] begin if token Formatador.display_line("#{name}: [bold]#{value}[/]") if verbose token.value = value else token_errors[name] = "unknown token :#{name}" end rescue Exception => e token_errors[name] = "token :#{name}. #{e.message}" end end @tokens.each do |name, token| token_errors[name] = "missing value for token :#{name}" if token.value == nil && token_errors[name] == nil end if token_errors.length > 0 msg = "Token configuration error:\n\n\t" msg << { |name, error_message| error_message }.join("\n\t") invalidate msg end puts() if verbose end def confirm_required_files() missing_files = self.required_files.each do |required_file| file_path = File.join(, missing_files << required_file unless File.exists? file_path end if missing_files.length > 0 message = "Required file#{missing_files.length > 1 ? 's' : ''} not found:\n\n" missing_files.each do |missing_file| file_path = File.join(, message << "\t#{file_path} - #{missing_file.comment ? "#{missing_file.comment}" : ''}\n" end raise message end end def invalidate(message) raise message end def each @tokens.each { |name, token| yield(name, token) } end def required_file name, &config required_file = name raise 'Incomplete file configuration' unless block_given? config.yield(required_file) @required_files << required_file end def klippfile kf = "create '#{self.class.expand_identifier(self.identifier)}' do |tokens|\n\n" @tokens.each do |name, token| unless token.hidden kf += " # #{token.comment}\n" if token.comment kf += " # #{token.validation_hint}\n" if token.validation_hint if token.type == :bool kf += " tokens[:#{name}] = #{token.default_value ? 'true' : 'false'}\n" else kf += " tokens[:#{name}] = \"#{token.default_value}\"\n" end kf += "\n" end end kf += "end" end def klippspec ks = "spec '#{identifier}' do |s|\n" ks += " s.block_actions_under_git = true\n" ks += " # s.pre_actions = ['echo \"Hello klipp!\"']\n" ks += " # s.post_actions = ['pod install']\n" ks += "\n" ks += " s.token :REPLACEABLE do |t|\n" ks += " t.comment = \"Replaceable value (to insert in any filename or string containing 'XXREPLACEABLEXX')\"\n" ks += " t.validation = /^[A-Z][A-Za-z0-9 ]{2,}$/\n" ks += " t.validation_hint = 'At least three characters long, start with a capital character, may contain spaces'\n" ks += " end\n" ks += "\n" ks += " s.token :TOGGLE do |t|\n" ks += " t.comment = \"Toggle value (to insert in any filename or string containing 'XXTOGGLEXX')\"\n" ks += " t.type = :bool\n" ks += " # t.bool_strings = ['NO','YES']\n" ks += " end\n" ks += "\n" ks += " # ...\n" ks += "\n" ks += "end" end def target_file(source_dir, source_file, target_dir) stripped_path = source_file.gsub(source_dir, '') customizable_path = replace_tokens(stripped_path) File.join(target_dir, customizable_path) end def transfer_file(source_file, target_file, overwrite) FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname(target_file) if source_file FileUtils.mkdir_p target_file elsif !File.exists?(target_file) || overwrite if File.binary? source_file FileUtils.cp(source_file, target_file) else begin IO.write target_file, replace_tokens( rescue FileUtils.cp(source_file, target_file) end end else raise "#{target_file} already exists, not overwriting. Use -f to force overwriting." end target_file end def replace_tokens(string_with_tokens, delimiter='XX') unless string_with_tokens.valid_encoding? raise "Invalid string encoding #{string_with_tokens.encoding}" end replaced = string_with_tokens @tokens.each do |name, token| needle = delimiter+name.to_s+delimiter replacement = token.to_s replaced.gsub!(needle, replacement) end replaced end end end