require 'active_support' # :nodoc: namespace module Authpwn # Included by the controller that handles user authentication. # # Right now, some parts of the codebase assume the controller will be named # Session. module SessionController extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do skip_filter :authenticate_using_session authenticates_using_session except: [:create, :reset_password, :token] # If set, every successful login will cause a database purge. class_attribute :auto_purge_sessions self.auto_purge_sessions = true end # GET /session/new def new @session = Session.from_params params @redirect_url = flash[:auth_redirect_url] redirect_to session_url if current_user end # GET /session def show @user = current_user || if @user.new_record? welcome unless performed? respond_to do |format| format.html { render action: :welcome } format.json { render json: {} } end end else home unless performed? respond_to do |format| format.html { render action: :home } format.json do user_data = @user.as_json user_data = user_data['user'] if @user.class.include_root_in_json render json: { user: user_data, csrf: form_authenticity_token } end end end end end # POST /session def create # Workaround for lack of browser support for the formaction attribute. return reset_password if params[:reset_password] @redirect_url = params[:redirect_url] || session_url @session = Session.from_params params auth = User.authenticate_signin, @session.password unless auth.kind_of? Symbol set_session_current_user auth Tokens::SessionUid.remove_expired if auto_purge_sessions end respond_to do |format| if current_user format.html { redirect_to @redirect_url } format.json do user_data = current_user.as_json if current_user.class.include_root_in_json user_data = user_data['user'] end render json: { user: user_data, csrf: form_authenticity_token } end else error_text = bounce_notice_text auth format.html do if params[:redirect_url] redirect_to new_session_url, flash: { alert: error_text, auth_redirect_url: @redirect_url } else redirect_to new_session_url, alert: error_text end end format.json { render json: { error: auth, text: error_text } } end end end # POST /session/reset_password def reset_password email = params[:session] && params[:session][:email] credential = Credentials::Email.with email if user = (credential && credential.user) token = Tokens::PasswordReset.random_for user ::SessionMailer.reset_password_email(email, token, root_url).deliver end respond_to do |format| if user format.html do redirect_to new_session_url, alert: 'Please check your e-mail for instructions' end format.json { render json: { } } else error_text = 'Invalid e-mail' format.html do redirect_to new_session_url, alert: error_text end format.json do render json: { error: :not_found, text: notice } end end end end # GET /session/token/token-code def token if token = Tokens::Base.with_code(params[:code]).first auth = token.authenticate else auth = :invalid end if auth.is_a? Symbol error_text = bounce_notice_text auth respond_to do |format| format.html do redirect_to new_session_url, flash: { alert: error_text, auth_redirect_url: session_url } end format.json { render json: { error: auth, text: error_text } } end else self.set_session_current_user auth home_with_token token unless performed? respond_to do |format| format.html { redirect_to session_url } format.json do user_data = current_user.as_json if current_user.class.include_root_in_json user_data = user_data['user'] end render json: { user: user_data, csrf: form_authenticity_token } end end end end end # DELETE /session def destroy self.set_session_current_user nil respond_to do |format| format.html { redirect_to session_url } format.json { head :ok } end end # GET /session/change_password def password_change unless current_user bounce_user return end respond_to do |format| format.html do @credential = current_user.credentials. find { |c| c.is_a? Credentials::Password } unless @credential @credential = @credential.user = current_user end # Renders session/password_change.html.erb end end end # POST /session/change_password def change_password unless current_user bounce_user return end @credential = current_user.credentials. find { |c| c.is_a? Credentials::Password } if @credential # An old password is set, must verify it. if @credential.check_password params[:old_password] success = @credential.update_attributes change_password_params else success = false flash[:alert] = 'Incorrect old password. Please try again.' end else @credential = change_password_params @credential.user = current_user success = end respond_to do |format| if success format.html do redirect_to session_url, notice: 'Password updated' end format.json { head :ok } else format.html { render action: :password_change } format.json { render json: { error: :invalid } } end end end if defined? ActiveModel::ForbiddenAttributesProtection # Rails 4. # Parameters used to change the user's password. def change_password_params params.require(:credential).permit :password, :password_confirmation end else # Rails 3. def change_password_params params[:credential] end end # True for controllers belonging to the authentication implementation. # # Controllers that return true here are responsible for performing their own # authorization. def auth_controller? true end # Hook for setting up the home view. def home end private :home # Hook for setting up the welcome view. def welcome end private :welcome # Hook for setting up the home view after token-based authentication. def home_with_token(token) end private :home_with_token # Hook for customizing the bounce notification text. def bounce_notice_text(reason) case reason when :invalid 'Invalid e-mail or password' when :expired 'Password expired. Please click "Forget password"' when :blocked 'Account blocked. Please verify your e-mail address' end end end # module Authpwn::SessionController end # namespace Authpwn