import './scroll' import '../css/application.scss' /* Theme switch */ const toggleSwitch = document.querySelector('.theme-switch input[type="checkbox"]'); const body = document.querySelector('body'); function switchTheme(e) { if ( { body.setAttribute('data-theme', 'dark'); } else { body.setAttribute('data-theme', 'light'); } } toggleSwitch.addEventListener('change', switchTheme, false); /* Navbar links & expandable */ const navbarExpandables = document.querySelectorAll('a.expandable'); function expandItems(e) { const target = e.currentTarget; const parent = target.parentElement; const oldExpanded = document.querySelector('li.expanded'); if (oldExpanded) { oldExpanded.classList.remove('expanded'); } const anchor = parent.dataset.anchor; if (anchor) { const button = document.querySelector(`div[data-resource="${anchor}"]`) } parent.classList.add('expanded'); } navbarExpandables.forEach(b => { b.addEventListener('click', expandItems, false); }); /* Nested links */ function expandParent(e) { const target = e.currentTarget; let parent = target.parentElement; while (parent.dataset.anchor === undefined) { parent = parent.parentElement; } const anchor = parent.dataset.anchor; if (anchor) { const button = document.querySelector(`div[data-resource="${anchor}"]`) } } document.querySelectorAll('nav ul ul a').forEach(a => a.addEventListener('click', expandParent, true)); /* Nested attributes */ function toggleChildList(e) { const target = e.currentTarget; const newContent = target.getAttribute('data-content'); // Retrieve the containing the text const textNode = target.lastElementChild // Change button element target.setAttribute('data-content', textNode.innerText); textNode.innerText = newContent; target.classList.toggle('child-revealed'); // Toggle child list const list = target.nextElementSibling; list.classList.toggle('hidden'); // Toggle list
as shown const parent = target.parentElement; parent.classList.toggle('list-shown'); } const childListButtons = document.querySelectorAll('.section-list-title-child'); childListButtons.forEach(b => { b.addEventListener('click', toggleChildList, true) }) /** Show buttons **/ const showButtons = document.querySelectorAll('.button-wrapper'); function expandResource(e) { const target = e.currentTarget; const section = target.parentElement; const headSection = section.parentElement; const resource = target.dataset.resource; if (resource) { const anchor = document.querySelector(`nav li[data-anchor="${resource}"]`); anchor.classList.add('expanded'); } headSection.classList.add('expanded'); } showButtons.forEach(b => b.addEventListener('click', expandResource, false)); window.onload = () => { const hash = window.location.hash; if (hash.includes('-')) { const link = document.querySelector(`a[href="${hash}"]`); if (link); } };