Ruby-GetText Sample blog for Ruby on Rails and Ruby-GetText-Package. Requirement ----------- * ruby-1.8.3 * rails-1.0.0 * rake * mysql Installation ------------ 1. Setup rails and mysql, Ruby-GetText-Package. 2. Create DB and a table * using db/mysql.sql. a) $ mysqladmin -u <root> create blog b) $ mysql -u <root> blog < db/mysql.sql * using db/postgresql.sql. a) $ su - postgres b) $ createdb blog c) $ psql blog < db/postgresql.sql * for testing, change the dbname: blog => blog_test. 3. Edit config/database.xml 4. Create mofiles using rake. $ rake makemo 5. (One click ruby installer for Windonws user only) On command prompt: > set PATH=c:\ruby\bin;%PATH% (If you have GTK+ and Ruby/GTK2) > set PATH=c:\gtk\bin;%PATH% 6. Then run the http server. $ ruby script/server Access the http server from WWW browser: http://localhost:3000/blog Files ----- * Rakefile - a Rakefile generated by rails. ":makemo" task which creates mo files from po files. ":updatepo" task which updates pot/po files from po files. If there is no po/*pot files, it creates po/*.pot. * app/controllers/application.rb - Bind a textdomain to your application. The most important file in this sample. * app/controllers/blog_controller.rb - The main controller which localized. * app/models/article.rb - a model which localized. * app/helpers/blog_helper.rb - a localized helper. * app/views/**/*.rhtml - Localized rhtml files. * vendor/plugins/gettext/* - a localized "Vendor plugin". It has its own textdomain. * po/* (blog.po[t]/gettext_plugin.po[t]) - Catalog files which translators edit. They are convert to mofiles by "rake makemo". - blog.po[t] is for blog_controller and its views. - gettext_plugin.po[t] is for gettext_plugin. * db/mysql.sql - a sql to create a database table for mysql. * db/postgresql.sql - a sql to create a database table for postgresql. * public/stylesheets/blog.css - a CSS file for this sample. * test/functional/blog_controller_test.rb - a test script. * others - Generated by rails and I've not touched them.