  title: CIPM, 1964
  date: '1964-01-01'
  source: BIPM - Pavillon de Breteuil
- dates:
  - '1964-01-01'
  title: Atomic and molecular frequency standards
  identifier: 0
  url: https://www.bipm.org/en/CIPM/db/1964/0/
  - type: affirmative
    degree: unanimous
    message: |-

      The Comité International des Poids et Mesures,
  - type: acknowledging
    date_effective: '1964-01-01'
    message: empowered by cgpm-resolution:en/12/5[Resolution 5] of the 12th Conférence
      Générale des Poids et Mesures to name atomic or molecular frequency standards
      for temporary use for time measurements in physics,
  - type: decides
    date_effective: '1964-01-01'
    message: declares that the standard to be employed is the transition between the
      hyperfine levels stem:[F = 4], stem:[M = 0] and stem:[F = 3], _M =_ 0 of the
      ground state ^2^S~1/2~ of the caesium 133 atom, unperturbed by external fields,
      and that the frequency of this transition is assigned the value 9 192 631 770