module Spree module Admin module BaseHelper def flash_alert flash if flash.present? message = flash[:error] || flash[:notice] || flash[:success] flash_class = "danger" if flash[:error] flash_class = "info" if flash[:notice] flash_class = "success" if flash[:success] flash_div = content_tag(:div, message, class: "alert alert-#{flash_class} alert-auto-dissapear") content_tag(:div, flash_div, class: 'col-md-12') end end def field_container(model, method, options = {}, &block) css_classes = options[:class].to_a css_classes << 'field' if error_message_on(model, method).present? css_classes << 'withError' end content_tag(:div, capture(&block), class: css_classes.join(' '), id: "#{model}_#{method}_field") end def error_message_on(object, method, options = {}) object = convert_to_model(object) obj = object.respond_to?(:errors) ? object : instance_variable_get("@#{object}") if obj && obj.errors[method].present? errors = obj.errors[method].map { |err| h(err) }.join('
').html_safe content_tag(:span, errors, class: 'formError') else '' end end def datepicker_field_value(date) unless date.blank? l(date, format: Spree.t('date_picker.format', default: '%Y/%m/%d')) else nil end end def preference_field_tag(name, value, options) case options[:type] when :integer text_field_tag(name, value, preference_field_options(options)) when :boolean hidden_field_tag(name, 0, id: "#{name}_hidden") + check_box_tag(name, 1, value, preference_field_options(options)) when :string text_field_tag(name, value, preference_field_options(options)) when :password password_field_tag(name, value, preference_field_options(options)) when :text text_area_tag(name, value, preference_field_options(options)) else text_field_tag(name, value, preference_field_options(options)) end end def preference_field_for(form, field, options) case options[:type] when :integer form.text_field(field, preference_field_options(options)) when :boolean form.check_box(field, preference_field_options(options)) when :string form.text_field(field, preference_field_options(options)) when :password form.password_field(field, preference_field_options(options)) when :text form.text_area(field, preference_field_options(options)) else form.text_field(field, preference_field_options(options)) end end def preference_field_options(options) field_options = case options[:type] when :integer { size: 10, class: 'input_integer form-control' } when :boolean {} when :string { size: 10, class: 'input_string form-control' } when :password { size: 10, class: 'password_string form-control' } when :text { rows: 15, cols: 85, class: 'form-control' } else { size: 10, class: 'input_string form-control' } end field_options.merge!({ readonly: options[:readonly], disabled: options[:disabled], size: options[:size] }) end def preference_fields(object, form) return unless object.respond_to?(:preferences){ |key| form.label("preferred_#{key}", Spree.t(key) + ": ") + preference_field_for(form, "preferred_#{key}", type: object.preference_type(key)) }.join("
").html_safe end # renders hidden field and link to remove record using nested_attributes def link_to_icon_remove_fields(f) url = f.object.persisted? ? [:admin, f.object] : '#' link_to_with_icon('delete', '', url, class: "spree_remove_fields btn btn-sm btn-danger", data: {action: 'remove'}, title: Spree.t(:remove)) + f.hidden_field(:_destroy) end def spree_dom_id(record) dom_id(record, 'spree') end I18N_PLURAL_MANY_COUNT = 2.1 def plural_resource_name(resource_class) resource_class.model_name.human(count: I18N_PLURAL_MANY_COUNT) end private def attribute_name_for(field_name) field_name.gsub(' ', '_').downcase end end end end