# Changelog ## 3.0.0 (unreleased) * Drop Ruby 1.8, 1.9 and 2.0 support - [@tombruijn](https://github.com/tombruijn). * Drop explicit MongoMapper support - [@tombruijn](https://github.com/tombruijn). * Drop MongoDB version 2 support - [@brianhempel](https://github.com/brianhempel). * Support MongoDB version 3 - [@brianhempel](https://github.com/brianhempel). * Update Mongo Ruby driver support for more recent versions - [@brianhempel](https://github.com/brianhempel), [@tombruijn](https://github.com/tombruijn). * Update Mongoid support for more recent versions - [@brianhempel](https://github.com/brianhempel), [@tombruijn](https://github.com/tombruijn). * Add Mongo Ruby driver session store support - [@brianhempel](https://github.com/brianhempel). * Add Rails 4 support - [@brianhempel](https://github.com/brianhempel). * Remove explicit Rails 3 support - [@tombruijn](https://github.com/tombruijn). * Move session data packing and unpacking to session models. This allows queried documents to unpack session data themselves - [@tombruijn](https://github.com/tombruijn). * Test more internal code - [@tombruijn](https://github.com/tombruijn). * Allow for easier custom classes and expanded behavior of Mongoid and Mongo session stores - [@tombruijn](https://github.com/tombruijn). * [#24](https://github.com/mongoid/mongo_session_store/pull/24): Add Danger, PR linter - [@tombruijn](https://github.com/tombruijn), [@dblock](https://github.com/dblock). * [#27](https://github.com/mongoid/mongo_session_store/pull/27): Run tests against Ruby 2.3.1 and MongoDB 3.2 only - [@dblock](https://github.com/dblock). * [#28](https://github.com/mongoid/mongo_session_store/pull/28): Support Ruby 2.4 - [@tombruijn](https://github.com/tombruijn). * [#29](https://github.com/mongoid/mongo_session_store/pull/29): Use rails default session id generation - [@tombruijn](https://github.com/tombruijn). * Your contribution here. ## 2.0.0 * Fix MongoMapper indexes - [@nmerouze](https://github.com/nmerouze). * Add Rails 3 support for Mongoid - [@nmerouze](https://github.com/nmerouze). * Add Rails 3 support for MongoMapper - [@nmerouze](https://github.com/nmerouze). * Support MongoMapper 0.7.5 - [@hsbt](https://github.com/hsbt). * Fix issue where ActionPack expects `set_session` to return the (new) session_id when session is created successfully - [@memuller](https://github.com/memuller). ## 1.1.2 * Generate a new session document if the current session document doesn't exist - [@shingara](https://github.com/shingara). ## 1.1.1 * Fix `updated_at` index for MongoMapper session documents - [@nmerouze](https://github.com/nmerouze). ## 1.1.0 * Add Mongoid support - [@nmerouze](https://github.com/nmerouze). ## 1.0.1 * Add gemspec and specify actionpack dependency - [@nmerouze](https://github.com/nmerouze). ## 1.0.0 * Initial version of the gem - [@tpitale](https://github.com/tpitale), [@compressed](https://github.com/compressed). * MongoMapper session store support - [@tpitale](https://github.com/tpitale), [@compressed](https://github.com/compressed).