module Antispam module Tools # Checks spam against an IP database of spammers. # Usage: before_action :check_ip_against_database def check_ip_against_database( ip_blacklists: { default: '' }, methods: nil, scrutinize_countries_except: nil, verbose: false ) if methods return if request.get? && !methods.include?(:get) return if && !methods.include?(:post) return if request.put? && !methods.include?(:put) return if request.patch? && !methods.include?(:patch) return if request.delete? && !methods.include?(:delete) else return if request.get? end return if skip_if_user_whitelisted return if[validate challenges]) ip = request.remote_ip # Handle IP blacklists if ip_blacklists ip_blacklists[:httpbl] ||= ip_blacklists.delete(:default) check_ip_against_blacklists(ip, ip_blacklists, verbose) end # Country checks, if necessary # (expand logic as needed) "Completed IP database check. #{ip}" if verbose end # Checks the specific blacklists def check_ip_against_blacklists(ip, lists, verbose) results = [] lists.each do |provider_name, provider_api_key| "Checking provider: #{provider_name}" if verbose results.append blacklist(provider_name).check(ip, provider_api_key, verbose) end result = if result.is_bad? Block.create(ip: ip, provider: lists.keys.first, threat: result) redirect_to '/antispam/validate' end end def skip_if_user_whitelisted if respond_to? :current_user if current_user && current_user.respond_to?(:antispam_whitelisted?) return true if current_user.antispam_whitelisted? end end end def blacklist(provider) class_name = provider.to_s.camelize raise Antispam::NoSuchBlacklistError unless Antispam::Blacklists.const_defined? class_name Antispam::Blacklists.const_get class_name end end class NoSuchBlacklistError < StandardError; end end