module Searchlogic module ActiveRecord # Active Record is pretty inconsistent with how their SQL is constructed. This # method attempts to close the gap between the various inconsistencies. module Consistency def self.included(klass) klass.class_eval do alias_method_chain :merge_joins, :searchlogic end end # In AR multiple joins are sometimes in a single join query, and other times they # are not. The merge_joins method in AR should account for this, but it doesn't. # This fixes that problem. This way there is one join per string, which allows # the merge_joins method to delete duplicates. def merge_joins_with_searchlogic(*args) joins = merge_joins_without_searchlogic(*args) joins = joins.collect { |j| j.is_a?(String) ? j.split(" ") : j }.flatten.uniq joins = joins.collect do |j| if j.is_a?(String) && !j =~ / (AND|OR) /i j.gsub(/(.*) ON (.*) = (.*)/) do |m| sorted = [$2,$3].sort "#{$1} ON #{sorted[0]} = #{sorted[1]}" end else j end end end end end end