# coding: utf-8 require 'thor' require 'tdiary/version' require 'bundler' module TDiary class CLI < Thor include Thor::Actions def self.source_root File.expand_path('../..', __FILE__) end desc "new DIR_NAME", "Create a new tDiary directory" method_option "skip-bundle", :type => :boolean, :banner => "don't run bundle and .htpasswd generation" def new(name) target = File.join(Dir.pwd, name) deploy(target) copy_file('tdiary.conf.beginner', File.join(target, 'tdiary.conf')) unless options[:'skip-bundle'] Bundler.with_clean_env do inside(target) do run('bundle install --without test development') run('bundle exec tdiary htpasswd') end end else say "run `bundle install && bundle exec tdiary htpasswd` manually", :red end say 'install finished', :green say "run `tdiary server` in #{name} directory to start server", :green end desc "update", "update tDiary" method_option "skip-bundle", :type => :boolean, :banner => "don't run bundle" def update target = Dir.pwd unless in_tdiary_dir?(target) say "please run update command in your tdiary directory", :red return 1 end deploy(target) unless options[:'skip-bundle'] Bundler.with_clean_env do inside(target) do run('bundle install --without test development') end end end say 'update finished', :green end desc "test", "Create test server and run tDiary test" def test target = File.join(Dir.pwd, 'tmp/test') deploy(target) append_to_file(File.join(target, 'Gemfile'), "path '#{CLI::source_root}'") directory('spec', File.join(target, 'spec')) directory('test', File.join(target, 'test')) Bundler.with_clean_env do inside(target) do run('bundle install') run('bundle exec rake spec') end end end desc "server", "Start tDiary server" method_option "rack", :type => :string, :banner => "start server with rack interface (default)" method_option "cgi", :type => :string, :banner => "start server with cgi interface" method_option "bind", :aliases => "b", :type => :string, :default => "", :banner => "bind to the IP" method_option "port", :aliases => "p", :type => :numeric, :default => 19292, :banner => "use PORT" def server require 'tdiary' if options[:cgi] opts = { :daemon => ENV['DAEMON'], :bind => options[:bind], :port => options[:port], :logger => $stderr, :access_log => $stderr, } TDiary::Server.run( opts ) elsif # --rack option # Rack::Server reads ARGV as :config, so delete it ARGV.shift opts = { :environment => ENV['RACK_ENV'] || "development", :daemonize => false, :Host => options[:bind], :Port => options[:port], :pid => File.expand_path("tdiary.pid"), :AccessLog => $stderr, :config => File.expand_path("config.ru") } Rack::Server.start( opts ) end end desc "htpasswd", "Create a .htpasswd file" def htpasswd require 'webrick/httpauth/htpasswd' say "Input your username/password" print 'Username: ' ARGV.replace([]) username = gets().chop print 'New password: ' system "stty -echo" password = $stdin.gets.chop puts print 'Re-type new password: ' password2 = $stdin.gets.chop puts system "stty echo" if password != password2 raise StandardError, 'password verification error' end htpasswd = WEBrick::HTTPAuth::Htpasswd.new('.htpasswd') htpasswd.set_passwd(nil, username, password) htpasswd.flush end desc "version", "Prints the tDiary's version information" def version say "tdiary #{TDiary::VERSION}" end map %w(-v --version) => :version no_commands do def deploy(target) empty_directory(target) empty_directory(File.join(target, 'public')) empty_directory(File.join(target, 'misc/plugin')) empty_directory(File.join(target, 'tdiary/filter')) empty_directory(File.join(target, 'tdiary/style')) empty_directory(File.join(target, 'js')) empty_directory(File.join(target, 'theme')) %w( README.md Gemfile Gemfile.lock config.ru tdiary.conf.beginner tdiary.conf.sample tdiary.conf.sample-en ).each do |file| copy_file(file, File.join(target, file)) end directory('doc', File.join(target, 'doc')) end def in_tdiary_dir?(target) File.exist?(File.join(target, 'tdiary.conf')) end end end end