lt: tds_status_codes: fraudulent_codes: '09': true '10': true '11': true behaviour: unknown: 'Please contact our support team.' '01': Please try again. '02': Please try again using a different device. '03': Please try again using a different device. '04': Please use a different card or contact your card issuer. '05': Please use a different card. '06': Please use a different card or check the card number. '07': Please use a different card. '08': Please use a different card. '09': Please use a different card or contact issuer. '10': Please use a different card or contact issuer. '11': Please use a different card or contact issuer. '12': Please use a different card or contact issuer. '13': Please use a different card or contact issuer. '14': Please try again or use a different card. '15': Please use a different card or contact issuer. '16': Please use a different card or contact issuer. '17': Please use a different card or contact issuer. '18': Please use a different card or contact issuer. '19': Please use a different card or contact issuer. '20': Please use a different card. '21': Please use a different card. '22': Please try again or use a different card. '23': Please use a different card or contact issuer. '24': Please try again or use a different card. '25': Please try again or use a different card. '26': Please try again or use a different card. '80': Please use a different card. '81': Please try again or use a different card. '82': Please use a different card. '83': Please use a different card. '84': Please try again or use a different card. '85': Please use a different card. '86': Please use a different card. '87': Please use a different card. '88': Please use a different card. universal: &universal_tds_status_codes unknown: "Unknown reason." '01': Card authentication failed. '02': Unknown Device. '03': Unsupported Device. '04': Exceeds authentication frequency limit. '05': Expired card. '06': Invalid card number. '07': Invalid transaction. '08': No Card record. '15': Low confidence. '16': Medium confidence. '17': High confidence. '18': Very High confidence. '19': Exceeds ACS maximum challenges. '20': Non-Payment transaction not supported. targeted: merchant: <<: *universal_tds_status_codes '09': Security failure. '10': Stolen card. '11': Suspected fraud. '12': Transaction not permitted to cardholder. '13': Cardholder not enrolled in service. '14': Transaction timed out at the ACS. '21': 3RI transaction not supported. '22': ACS technical issue. '23': Decoupled Authentication required by ACS but not requested by 3DS Requestor. '24': 3DS Requestor Decoupled Max Expiry Time exceeded. '25': Decoupled Authentication was provided insufficient time to authenticate cardholder. ACS will not make attempt. '26': Authentication attempted but not performed by the cardholder. '80': Error Connecting to ACS. '81': ACS Timed Out. '82': Invalid Response from ACS. '83': System Error Response from ACS. '84': Internal Error While Generating CAVV. '85': VMID not eligible for requested program. '86': Protocol Version Not Supported by ACS. '87': Transaction is excluded from Attempts Processing (includes non- reloadable pre-paid cards and Non- Payments (NPA)). '88': Requested program not supported by the ACS. cardholder: <<: *universal_tds_status_codes '09': Card authentication failed. # Security failure '10': Card authentication failed. # Stolen card '11': Card authentication failed. # Suspected fraud '12': Transaction not permitted to cardholder. '13': Cardholder not enrolled in service. '14': Card authentication failed. '21': Card authentication failed. '22': Issuer technical issue. '23': Card authentication failed '24': Card authentication failed '25': Card authentication failed. '26': Card authentication failed. '80': Card authentication failed. '81': Card authentication failed. '82': Card authentication failed. '83': Card authentication failed. '84': Card authentication failed. '85': Card authentication failed. '86': Card authentication failed. '87': Card authentication failed. '88': Card authentication failed. issuer_response_codes: suggestion: 'Suggestion' fraud_notice: 'IMPORTANT NOTICE: It is forbidden to retry transactions that ended with this code. It may be recognized as a fraud attempt!' fraudulent_codes: '04': true '07': true '41': true '43': true behaviour: '00': "Prašome bandyti vėliau, susisiekti su Pardavėju arba Espago palaikymo komanda." '05': "Patikrinkite kortelės nustatymus šiems mokėjimų tipams arba naudokite kitą kortelę." '13': "Patikrinkite savo sąskaitos nustatymus ir limitus. Susisiekite su kortelės išdavėju ir bandykite vėliau." '14': "Patikrinkite įvestus duomenis ir bandykite dar kartą." 'N7': "Patikrinkite įvestus duomenis ir bandykite dar kartą." '51': "Pasitikrink sąskaitą ir bandyk dar kartą." '54': "Patikrinkite kortelę arba bandykite kitą." '57': "Patikrinkite kortelės nustatymus šiems mokėjimų tipams arba naudokite kitą kortelę." '61': "Patikrinkite sąskaitos nustatymus ir limitus. Susisiekite su kortelės išdavėju ir bandykite vėliau." '82': "Patikrinkite įvestus duomenis ir bandykite dar kartą." # incomplete translations unknown: "Please contact our support team." '01': "Please contact your card issuer." '02': "Please contact your card issuer." '03': "Please contact your card issuer and try again later." '04': "Please contact your card issuer and try again later." '07': "Please contact your card issuer and try again later." '12': "Please contact your card issuer to get more details and try again later." '30': "Please contact your card issuer to get more details and try again later." '41': "Please contact your card issuer to get more details and try again later." '43': "Please contact your card issuer to get more details and try again later." '58': "Please check your card settings for those transaction types or use another card." '59': "Please contact your card issuer to get more details and try again later." '62': "Please contact your bank." '65': "Change your limits settings or try again later." '75': "Please check your CVV/CVC/PIN code on your card." '78': "Please activate your card and try again later." '91': "Please try again later." '92': "Please try again later." '94': "Please try again later." '96': "Please try again later." '98': "Please try again later." 'E3': "Please try again later." 'E4': "Please try again later or contact your card issuer to get more details" 'E5': "Please try again later or contact your card issuer to get more details" 'R0': "Please contact your card issuer to get more details and try again later." 'R1': "Please contact your card issuer to get more details and try again later." universal: &issuer_response_code '00': "Įvyko klaida. Elavon atmetė mokėjimą dėl netinkamos mokėjimo kortelės rūšies, neteisingų kortelės duomenų, negauto atsakymo iš banko/kortelės išdavėjo arba neaktyvios Prekybininko paskyros." '05': "Bankas atmetė mokėjimą saugumo patikros metu (naudojama kortelė nepalaiko periodinių mokėjimų/mokėjimų be kortelės saugos (CVV) kodo), lėšos buvo užšaldytos, limitas viršytas arba mokėjimo kortelė nepalaiko nuotolinių/internetinių mokėjimų." '13': "Bankas atmetė mokėjimą." '14': "Kortelės numeris neteisingas." 'N7': "Kortelės saugos kodas (CVV) neteisingas." '51': "Nepakanka lėšų sąskaitoje." '54': "Kortelė negalioja." '57': "Bankas atmetė mokėjimą, nes ši kreditinė kortelė negali būti naudojama šiam mokėjimų tipui (elektroninei prekybai, nuotoliniams ar periodiniams mokėjimams)." '61': "Bankas atmetė mokėjimą." '82': "Kortelės saugos kodas (CVV) neteisingas." # incomplete translations unknown: "Unknown reason." '01': "Authorization Error." '02': "Authorization Error." '03': "Authorization Error." '12': "No privileges to execute this transaction for your card." '30': "Your bank has declined this transaction" '58': "Your bank has declined this transaction as this credit card cannot be used for this type of transaction (eccommerce, MOTO or recurring)." '59': "Your bank has declined this transaction" '62': "Your card can be not supported due to restrictions placed on the card or Seller country exclusion (imposition an embargo), or bank blocked a card eg. due to unacceptable debit balance." '65': "Activity count limit exceeded." '75': "Invalid activity count limit exceeded." '78': "Inactive card." '91': "Temporary issuer error." '92': "Temporary issuer error." '94': "Temporary issuer error." '96': "Temporary issuer error." '98': "Temporary issuer error." 'E3': "Transaction not executed due to a 3D-Secure error." 'E4': "Transaction not executed due to a negative 3D-Secure confirmation from your bank." 'E5': "Temporary 3D-Secure error." 'R0': "Refused by Issuer because Customer requested stop of specific recurring payments." 'R1': "Refused by Issuer because Customer requested stop of all recurring payments." targeted: merchant: <<: *issuer_response_code '04': "Pickup card." '07': "Pickup card." '41': "Lost card." '43': "Stolen card." cardholder: <<: *issuer_response_code '04': "Your bank has declined this transaction." '07': "Your bank has declined this transaction." '41': "Your bank has declined this transaction." '43': "Your bank has declined this transaction."