Module Cms::PageHelper
In: app/helpers/cms/page_helper.rb


Public Instance methods


    # File app/helpers/cms/page_helper.rb, line 26
26:     def cms_toolbar
27:       instance_variable_get("@content_for_layout")
28:     end


    # File app/helpers/cms/page_helper.rb, line 7
 7:     def container(name)
 8:       content = instance_variable_get("@content_for_#{name}")
 9:       if logged_in? && @mode == "edit"
10:         render :partial => 'cms/pages/edit_container', :locals => {:name => name, :content => content}
11:       else
12:         content
13:       end
14:     end


    # File app/helpers/cms/page_helper.rb, line 16
16:     def container_has_block?(name, &block)
17:       has_block = (@mode == "edit") || current_page.connectable_count_for_container(name) > 0
18: "mode = #{@mode}, has_block = #{has_block}"
19:       if block_given?
20:         concat(capture(&block)) if has_block
21:       else
22:         has_block
23:       end
24:     end


   # File app/helpers/cms/page_helper.rb, line 3
3:     def current_page
4:       @page
5:     end


    # File app/helpers/cms/page_helper.rb, line 30
30:     def render_breadcrumbs(options={})
31:       start = options[:from_top] || 0
32:       show_parent = options[:show_parent].nil? ? false : options[:show_parent]
33:       ancestors = current_page.ancestors
34:       items = []
35:       ancestors[start..ancestors.size].each_with_index do |sec,i|
36:         items << content_tag(:li, 
37:           link_to(h(, sec.actual_path), 
38:           (i == 0 ? {:class => "first"} : {}))
39:       end
40:       if !show_parent && current_page.section.path == current_page.path
41:         items[items.size-1] = content_tag(:li, h(
42:       else
43:         items << content_tag(:li, h(current_page.page_title))
44:       end
45:       content_tag(:ul, "\n  #{items.join("\n  ")}\n", :class => "breadcrumbs")
46:     end


    # File app/helpers/cms/page_helper.rb, line 48
48:     def render_portlet(name)
49:       portlets = Portlet.all(:conditions => ["name = ?", name.to_s])
50:       if portlets.size > 1
51:         @mode == "edit" ? "ERROR: Multiple Portlets with name '#{name}'" : nil
52:       elsif portlets.empty?
53:         @mode == "edit" ? "ERROR: No Portlet with name '#{name}'" : nil
54:       else
55:         render_connectable(portlets.first)
56:       end
57:     end
