<% unless @organization %>

You need to be Admin or Super Admin in your company to access this panel.

<% else %>

Enable or disable synchronizations

<%= "Synchronizations are currently #{@organization.sync_enabled ? 'enabled' : 'disabled'}." %> <%= link_to "#{@organization.sync_enabled ? 'Disable' : 'Enable'} them", admin_toggle_sync_path, method: :put %>

Synchronized entities

You can customize which entities are synchronized by the connector

<%= form_tag admin_update_path(id: @organization.id), method: :put do %> <% @organization.synchronized_entities.each do |k, v| %> <% if v && @organization.oauth_uid %> <%= link_to "Force a synchronization for #{k.to_s.humanize.pluralize} only", admin_synchronize_path(opts: {only_entities: [k.to_s]}), method: :post %> <% end %> <% end %> <%= submit_tag :Update%> <% end %>


<% @idmaps.each do |idmap| %> <%= idmap.connec_entity ? idmap.connec_entity.humanize : nil %> <%= idmap.connec_id %> <%= idmap.external_entity ? idmap.external_entity.humanize : nil %> <%= idmap.external_id %> <% end %> <% end %>