h1. hydra-batch-edit !https://travis-ci.org/projecthydra-labs/hydra-batch-edit.png!:https://travis-ci.org/projecthydra-labs/hydra-batch-edit !https://badge.fury.io/rb/hydra-batch-edit.png!:http://badge.fury.io/rb/hydra-batch-edit Batch Editing Functionality for Hydra Heads *This is Alpha Software!* While working on a specific Hydra Head with specific content & use cases, we added batch editing functionality. We wrote the code as a separate gem so that others can use this as a starting point, but _you will have to modify the code_ to get this to work. If other Hydra partners start using the gem, it will become more immediately useful & configurable out of the box. At that point, someone will delete this message. As far as we can tell, the code is sufficiently "test-coveraged" and html/javascript is "fall-backable". The initial code for this gem was written by "MediaShelf":http://yourmediashelf.com on behalf of Northwestern University. It is used in the NWU Digital Image Library (DIL) Hydra Head. As with all Hydra code, this software is distributed under the "Apache 2 License":http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. h2. Features The main thrust of the re-usable functionality this gem aims to provide: # Jackie User constructs a batch of objects from Blacklight/Hydra search results # When Jackie has selected everything for the batch, she clicks a button to proceed to the next step # (Might want to have a sanity check page here where Jackie sees all of the objects she has selected. We skipped that step for now.) # Before displaying the next step, a before_filter in the controller makes sure Jackie has edit permissions for each of the objects, filtering out the non-editable content and notifying Jackie that they've been removed from her batch # Jackie sees a form for specifying what changes to apply to the batch # Jackie submits her changes and they are applied to each of the objects in the batch # Before applying the submitted updates, the before_filter in the controller checks (again) that Jackie has edit permissions for everything in the batch # The BatchUpdatesController#update method applies Jackie's changes to each of the objects in the batch *Note* As of version 1.0.0 The batches are tracke using the batches behavior in hydra-collections. They are not persisted between page changes and only exist on the current page. *Note* Version 0.3.1 and previous The batches are tracked as a list of pids _in the user session_. They are not persisted. h2. Installing In your Gemfile, add
gem 'hydra-batch-edit'# Run the install generator
$ rails g hydra_batch_edit:install# Call batch_edit_tools view helper in your search result page template. We recommend putting it in catalog/_sort_and_per_page.html.erb # Call batch_edit_continue in the search result page template. We put it in catalog/index.html # Call batch_edit_select(document) [passing in the solr document] on the index partial that's rendered for each search result h2. Dependencies hydra-head curation_concerns bootstrap blacklight coffeescript & scss h2. Customizing *This is Alpha Software* These instructions assume that you know how to work with rails and are familiar with Hydra h3. What you will need to do You will *definitely* need to override the edit form. `app/views/batch_edits/edit.html.erb` You will probably need to override BatchEditController#update You might need to override BatchEditController#edit h3. Extend Hydra::BatchEditController update and/or edit methods Example app/controllers/batch_updates_controller.rb
class BatchEditController < ApplicationController include Hydra::BatchEditBehavior def update batch.each do |doc_id| obj = ActiveFedora::Base.find(doc_id, :cast=>true) type = obj.class.to_s.underscore.to_sym obj.update_attributes(params[type]) obj.do_something_special obj.save end flash[:notice] = "Batch update complete" clear_batch! redirect_to catalog_index_path end endh3. Override Edit View Example app/views/batch_edits/edit.html.erb
<%= form_for MyModel.new, :url=>batch_edit_path, :method=>:put do |f| %> <%= f.label :title, "Title:" %> <%= f.text_field :title %> <%= f.label :description, "Description:" %> <%= f.text_field :description %> <%= f.label :license, "License:" %> <%= f.text_field :license %> <%= f.label :access_policy, "Access Policy:" %> <%= f.select :access_policy, ... %> <%# note the class submits-batches causes the batch ids to be returned with the updates %> <%= f.submit "Save changes", :class=>'submits-batches btn btn-primary'%> <% end %>