require 'toolboxes' require 'explosions' require 'bullets' require 'mines' class Battlefield attr_reader :width attr_reader :height attr_reader :robots attr_reader :teams attr_reader :bullets attr_reader :explosions attr_reader :toolboxes attr_reader :mines attr_reader :time attr_reader :seed attr_reader :timeout # how many ticks the match can go before ending. attr_reader :game_over attr_reader :with_toolboxes attr_reader :with_mines attr_reader :config def initialize width, height, timeout, seed, with_toolboxes, with_mines, merge, write_config filename = "rrobots.yml" @config = Configuration::new @path_prefix = gem_path('config') config_sources = [@path_prefix] config_sources.push "." if merge and File::exist?('./rrobots.yml') config_sources.each do |filepath| file = YAML::load("#{filepath}/#{filename}")) file.extend(Configuration_accessors) [:game, :toolboxes, :robots, :bullets, :battlefield].each do |accessor| @config.send(accessor).merge(file.send(accessor)) end end @config.write_config if write_config @width = (width != self.config.battlefield[:width]) ? width : self.config.battlefield[:width] @height = (height != self.config.battlefield[:height]) ? height : self.config.battlefield[:height] @seed = seed @time = 0 @robots = [] @toolboxes = [] @mines = [] @with_mines = (self.config.mines[:with_mines] != with_mines)? with_mines : self.config.mines[:with_mines] @with_toolboxes = (self.config.toolboxes[:with_toolboxes] != with_toolboxes)? with_toolboxes : self.config.toolboxes[:with_toolboxes] @teams ={|h,k| h[k] = [] } @bullets = [] @explosions = [] @timeout = timeout @game_over = false srand @seed end def << object case object when RobotRunner @robots << object @teams[] << object when Bullet @bullets << object when Explosion @explosions << object when Toolbox @toolboxes << object when Mine @mines << object end end def tick explosions.delete_if{|explosion| explosion.dead} explosions.each{|explosion| explosion.tick} toolboxes.delete_if{|toolbox| toolbox.dead} toolboxes.each{|toolbox| toolbox.tick} mines.delete_if{|mine| mine.dead} mines.each{|mine| mine.tick} bullets.delete_if{|bullet| bullet.dead} bullets.each{|bullet| bullet.tick} spawning_toolboxes if with_toolboxes robots.each do |robot| begin robot.send :internal_tick unless robot.dead rescue Exception => bang puts I18n.t('battlefield.robot_made_an_exception', :robot => robot) puts "#{bang.class}: #{bang}", bang.backtrace robot.instance_eval{@energy = -1} end end @time += 1 live_robots = robots.find_all{|robot| !robot.dead} @game_over = ( (@time >= timeout) or # timeout reached (live_robots.length == 0) or # no robots alive, draw game (live_robots.all?{|r| ==})) # all other teams are dead not @game_over end def state {:explosions =>{|e| e.state}, :bullets =>{|b| b.state}, :toolboxes =>{|t| t.state}, :mines =>{|m| m.state}, :robots =>{|r| r.state}} end def spawning_toolboxes if rand(self.config.toolboxes[:spawning_chances]) == 10 and !self.game_over then x = rand(self.width).to_i y = rand(self.height).to_i toolbox =, x, y, 0, self.config.toolboxes[:energy_heal_points]) self << toolbox end end end