require 'padrino-core/support_lite' require 'padrino-core/tasks' require 'padrino-gen/command' require 'active_support/ordered_hash' module Padrino ## # This module it's used for register generators. # # Can be useful for 3rd party generators: # # # custom_generator.rb # class CustomGenerator < Thor::Group # Padrino::Generators.add_generator(:custom_generator, self) # end # # Now for handle generators in padrino you need to add it to into +load_paths+. # # Padrino::Generators.load_paths << "custom_generator.rb" # module Generators # Defines the absolute path to the padrino source folder. DEV_PATH = File.expand_path("../../", File.dirname(__FILE__)) class << self ## # Store our generators paths. # def load_paths @_files ||= [] end ## # Return an ordered list of task with their class. # def mappings @_mappings ||= end ## # Global add a new generator class to +padrino-gen+. # # @param [Symbol] name # Key name for generator mapping. # @param [Class] klass # Class of generator. # # @return [Hash] generator mappings # # @example # Padrino::Generators.add_generator(:controller, Controller) # def add_generator(name, klass) mappings[name] = klass end ## # Load Global Actions and Component Actions then all files in +load_path+. # def load_components! require 'padrino-gen/generators/actions' require 'padrino-gen/generators/components/actions' require 'padrino-gen/generators/runner' load_paths.flatten.each { |file| require file } end end end end # Add our generators to Padrino::Generators. Padrino::Generators.load_paths << Dir[File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/padrino-gen/generators/{project,app,mailer,controller,model,migration,plugin,component,task}.rb'] # Add our tasks to padrino-core. Padrino::Tasks.files << Dir[File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/padrino-gen/padrino-tasks/**/*.rb"]