require 'spec_helper' require 'tempfile' describe BackupJenkins::Config do before do config = { "aws" => { "access_key" => "some_key", "secret" => "some_secret" }, "backup" => { "file_name_base" => "jenkins" }, "verbose" => true } YAML.stub(:load_file).and_return(config) end it { expect{ }.to raise_error NoMethodError } it { should be_respond_to(:aws) } it { should_not be_respond_to(:foo) } it {["access_key"].should == "some_key" } it {["secret"].should == "some_secret" } describe "#base_file_name" do before { subject.stub(:hostname).and_return("hostname") } it { subject.base_file_name.should == "jenkins_hostname" } end describe "#hostname" do after { subject.hostname.should == 'hostname' } it { subject.should_receive(:`).with("hostname -s").and_return("hostname\n") } end describe "#config_file" do it "should load file" do YAML.should_receive(:load_file).and_return("configuration") subject.instance_variable_get(:"@config").should == "configuration" end it "should exit with non 0 on error" do YAML.should_receive(:load_file).and_raise( expect{ subject }.to raise_error SystemExit end it "should print some helpful text if config file doesn't exist" do subject.should_receive(:default_config_file_path).and_return("config") YAML.should_receive(:load_file).and_raise( File.should_receive(:read).and_return("sample") STDERR.should_receive(:puts).with("Please create a config file in config") STDERR.should_receive(:puts).with("\nIt should look like:\n\nsample") expect{ subject.send(:config_file, nil) }.to raise_error SystemExit end end describe "#config_file_example" do regexp = %r{config/config-example.yml$} it { subject.send(:config_file_example_path).should match regexp } end describe "#override" do it "should override config file" do subject.verbose.should be_true subject.override("verbose" => false) subject.verbose.should be_false end end describe "#valid?" do let(:config) { { "aws" => { "access_key" => "AWS_ACCESS_KEY", "secret" => "AWS_SECRET", "bucket_name" => "BUCKET_NAME" }, "backup" => { "dir_base" => "PATH_TO_BACKUP_DIRECTORY", "file_name_base" => "SOME_BASE_NAME", "backups_to_keep" => { "remote" => 2, "local" => 5 } }, "jenkins" => { "home" => "PATH_TO_JENKINS_HOME" }, "verbose" => false } } before do YAML.stub(:load_file).and_return(config) end it "should make sure that the config loaded has the necessary options" do should be_valid end it "should be valid if verbose is false" do config["verbose"] = false should be_valid end it "should not be valid if verbose option is missing" do config.delete("verbose") expect{ should_not be_valid }.to raise_error NameError end it "should not be valid if aws[access_key] option is missing" do config["aws"].delete("access_key") should_not be_valid end it "should not be valid if backup section is missing" do config.delete("backup") expect{ should_not be_valid }.to raise_error NameError end end end