Guiding Principles

{{site.title}} is built around the Principles of Community, and we expect students to uphold these principles within our classroom environment, and throughout their careers.


We create and nurture inclusive environments and welcome, value and affirm all members of our community, including their various identities, skills, ideas, talents and contributions.

This manifests in this class in our in class discussions, discussion posts, and our interactions on Teams. You are to be kind to others with various backgrounds and identities, without making assumptions. With that said, this course is considered a ‘Brave Space’. This does not exclude the classroom from being a Safe Space - and know you are welcome - and the classroom is meant to challenge ideals. We will often approach topics that may make you feel uncomfortable and challenge your point of view. We will even ask you to argue the opposite of what you believe. That is the joy of learning.

Learn more about the difference:

Counseling Services

{% include resources/counseling.html %}

Universal Design For Learning/Accommodation of Needs

{% include policies/universalDesign.html %}

Diversity and Inclusion

{% include policies/diversityStatement.html %}


{% include policies/cheating.html %}

Academic Integrity & CSU Honor Pledge

{% include policies/honorPledge.html %}


We honor the inherent dignity of all people within an environment where we are committed to freedom of expression, critical discourse, and the advancement of knowledge.

Within this classroom, we give everyone the opportunity to talk during discussions. We are honest and open with everyone. We will also treat the labs and computers with respect, and those in the lab. If you are unable to use the lab resources with respect, you can loose the privilege of the lab and computer use.

{% include policies/netiquette.html %}

Religious Observances

{% include policies/religious.html %}


We are responsible, individually and collectively, to give of our time, talents, and resources to promote the well-being of each other and the development of our local, regional, and global communities.

Service within the class means giving back to the class. How do you choose to improve the classroom community, and those around you? Computer Science is about using technology to improve the world - and it starts with you.

Additionally, one way you will serve your local community is as a peer grader. Some of our assignments will require peer grading, and all assignments require peer interaction. If you do not follow your peer grading responsibility, you risk receiving a 0 on your assignments.

Social Justice

We have the right to be treated and the responsibility to treat others with fairness and equity, the duty to challenge prejudice, and to uphold the laws, policies and procedures that promote justice in all respects.

There are topics in this class that have to do with social justice and equity for all those who use technology. These topics are meant to cause us to think about inclusive design, and how we develop applications that actively promote social justice by means of the application following inclusive design principles.

Undocumented Student Support

{% include policies/daca.html %}

Title IX/Interpersonal Violence

{% include policies/title9.html %}

Additional Standard Policies

Copyrighted Course Materials

{% include policies/copyrighted.html %}

Third-Party Tools/Privacy

{% include policies/thirdParty.html %}