[/ / Copyright (c) 2003-2020 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com) / / Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying / file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) /] [section:other_protocols Support for Other Protocols] Support for other socket protocols (such as Bluetooth or IRCOMM sockets) can be added by implementing the [link asio.reference.Protocol protocol type requirements]. However, in many cases these protocols may also be used with Asio's generic protocol support. For this, Asio provides the following four classes: * [link asio.reference.generic__datagram_protocol `generic::datagram_protocol`] * [link asio.reference.generic__raw_protocol `generic::raw_protocol`] * [link asio.reference.generic__seq_packet_protocol `generic::seq_packet_protocol`] * [link asio.reference.generic__stream_protocol `generic::stream_protocol`] These classes implement the [link asio.reference.Protocol protocol type requirements], but allow the user to specify the address family (e.g. `AF_INET`) and protocol type (e.g. `IPPROTO_TCP`) at runtime. For example: asio::generic::stream_protocol::socket my_socket(my_io_context); my_socket.open(asio::generic::stream_protocol(AF_INET, IPPROTO_TCP)); ... An endpoint class template, [link asio.reference.generic__basic_endpoint `asio::generic::basic_endpoint`], is included to support these protocol classes. This endpoint can hold any other endpoint type, provided its native representation fits into a `sockaddr_storage` object. This class will also convert from other types that implement the [link asio.reference.Endpoint endpoint] type requirements: asio::ip::tcp::endpoint my_endpoint1 = ...; asio::generic::stream_protocol::endpoint my_endpoint2(my_endpoint1); The conversion is implicit, so as to support the following use cases: asio::generic::stream_protocol::socket my_socket(my_io_context); asio::ip::tcp::endpoint my_endpoint = ...; my_socket.connect(my_endpoint); [heading C++11 Move Construction] When using C++11, it is possible to perform move construction from a socket (or acceptor) object to convert to the more generic protocol's socket (or acceptor) type. If the protocol conversion is valid: Protocol1 p1 = ...; Protocol2 p2(p1); then the corresponding socket conversion is allowed: Protocol1::socket my_socket1(my_io_context); ... Protocol2::socket my_socket2(std::move(my_socket1)); For example, one possible conversion is from a TCP socket to a generic stream-oriented socket: asio::ip::tcp::socket my_socket1(my_io_context); ... asio::generic::stream_protocol::socket my_socket2(std::move(my_socket1)); These conversions are also available for move-assignment. These conversions are not limited to the above generic protocol classes. User-defined protocols may take advantage of this feature by similarly ensuring the conversion from `Protocol1` to `Protocol2` is valid, as above. [heading Accepting Generic Sockets] As a convenience, a socket acceptor's `accept()` and `async_accept()` functions can directly accept into a different protocol's socket type, provided the corresponding protocol conversion is valid. For example, the following is supported because the protocol `asio::ip::tcp` is convertible to `asio::generic::stream_protocol`: asio::ip::tcp::acceptor my_acceptor(my_io_context); ... asio::generic::stream_protocol::socket my_socket(my_io_context); my_acceptor.accept(my_socket); [heading See Also] [link asio.reference.generic__datagram_protocol `generic::datagram_protocol`], [link asio.reference.generic__raw_protocol `generic::raw_protocol`], [link asio.reference.generic__seq_packet_protocol `generic::seq_packet_protocol`], [link asio.reference.generic__stream_protocol `generic::stream_protocol`], [link asio.reference.Protocol protocol type requirements]. [endsect]