Feature: bugreports As a CSL cite processor hacker I want the test bugreports_OldMhraDisambiguationFailure to pass @citation @bugreports @citations Scenario: Old Mhra Disambiguation Failure Given the following style: """ """ And the following input: """ [{"author":[{"family":"Doe","given":"John"}],"id":"ITEM-1","issued":{"date-parts":[["2000"]]},"title":"Book A","type":"book"},{"author":[{"family":"Doe","given":"John"}],"id":"ITEM-2","issued":{"date-parts":[["2000"]]},"title":"Book B","type":"book"}] """ And I have a citations input When I cite all items Then the result should be: """ ..[0] John Doe, Book A, 2000; John Doe, Book B, 2000. >>[1] Doe, Book A; Doe, Book B. """