module CloudProviders class Ec2Instance < RemoteInstance default_options( :security_groups => [], :private_ip => nil, :dns_name => nil, :instance_type => nil, :public_ip => nil, :key_name => nil, :launch_time => nil, :availability_zones => [], :block_device_mapping => [{}] ) def initialize(raw_response={}) @raw_response = raw_response self.instance_id = raw_response["instanceId"] rescue nil self.security_groups = raw_response.groupSet.item[0].groupId rescue nil self.image_id = raw_response["imageId"] rescue nil self.private_ip = raw_response["privateIpAddress"] rescue nil self.dns_name = raw_response["dnsName"] rescue nil self.instance_type = raw_response["instanceType"] rescue nil self.public_ip = raw_response["ipAddress"] rescue nil self.key_name = raw_response["keyName"] rescue nil self.launch_time = raw_response["launchTime"] rescue nil self.availability_zones = raw_response["placement"]["availabilityZone"] rescue nil self.status = raw_response["instanceState"]["name"] rescue nil self.block_device_mapping = raw_response["blockDeviceMapping"] rescue nil super end def keypair(n=nil) @keypair ||= end def zone availability_zones.first end def reachable? ping_port self.public_ip, 22 end def ssh_available? {|a| {|t| t.from_port.to_i }.flatten }.flatten.include?(22) and reachable? and in_service? end def in_service? running? end def run! r = cloud_provider.ec2.run_instances(:image_id => image_id, :min_count => min_count, :max_count => max_count, :key_name => keypair.basename, :security_group => cloud.security_group_names, :user_data => user_data, :instance_type => instance_type, :availability_zone => availability_zone, :block_device_mapping => block_device_mapping, :base64_encoded => true) do |i| inst_options = i.merge(r.merge(:cloud => cloud)).merge(cloud.cloud_provider.dsl_options) end.first end def!(hsh); new(hsh).run!; end def terminate! cloud_provider.ec2.terminate_instances(:instance_id => [self.instance_id]) cloud_provider.reset! end def self.terminate!(hsh={}); new(hsh).terminate!; end # list of directories and files to exclude when bundling an instance def rsync_excludes(array_of_abs_paths_to_exclude=nil) array_of_abs_paths_to_exclude ||= %w( /sys /proc /dev/pts /dev /media /mnt /proc /sys /etc/ssh/ssh_host_* /etc/ssh/moduli /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/z25_persistent-net.rules ) array_of_abs_paths_to_exclude.inject(''){|str, path| str<<"--exclude=#{path}"; str} end # create an image file and copy this instance to the image file. def make_image(opts={}) opts = {:volume => '/', :size => 6000, :destination => '/mnt/bundle', :exclude => nil }.merge(opts) image_file = File.join(opts[:destination], opts[:prefix] ) cmds = ["mkdir -p #{opts[:destination]}"] cmds << "dd if=/dev/zero of=#{image_file} bs=1M count=#{opts[:size]}" cmds << "mkfs.ext3 -F -j #{image_file}" cmds << "mkdir -p #{opts[:destination]}/loop" cmds << "mount -o loop #{image_file} #{opts[:destination]}/loop" cmds << "rsync -ax #{rsync_excludes(opts[:exclude])} #{opts[:volume]}/ #{opts[:destination]}/loop/" cmds << "if [[ -f /etc/init.d/ec2-ssh-host-key-gen ]]; then chmod u+x /etc/init.d/ec2-ssh-host-key-gen ;fi" cmds << "umount #{opts[:destination]}/loop" self.ssh cmds image_file end # TODO: WIP: bundle up the instance and register it as a new ami. # An image of the running node will be creatd, or # if a path to an image file on the remote node is given, that will be used def bundle_and_register(img=nil, opts={}) opts = {:cert => cert, :bucket => nil, :prefix => image_id, :kernel => kernel_id, :ramdisk => ramdisk_id, :ec2cert => cloud_cert }.merge(opts) raise "You must specify a bucket to bundle to" if opts[:bucket].nil? scp ec2cert, "/mnt/bundle/" scp cert, "/mnt/bundle/" arch = self[:instanceType].match(/m1\.small|c1\.medium/) ? 'i386' : 'x86_64' image = img ? img : make_image(opts) ssh "ec2-bundle-image #{image} -d /mnt/bundle -u #{self[:ownerId]} -k /mnt/bundle/pk-*.pem -c /tmp/cert-*.pem" manifest = "/mnt/bundle/#{opts[:prefix]}.manifest.xml" ssh "ec2-upload-bundle -a #{access_key} -s #{secret_access_key} -m #{manifest}" ami_str = ssh "ec2-register-bundle" ami = ami_str.grep(/ami-\w*/).first return ami end end end