#!/usr/bin/env ruby HELP = <<-help Usage: gfm [--readme | --plaintext] [] Convert a GitHub-Flavored Markdown file to HTML and write to standard output. With no or when is '-', read Markdown source text from standard input. With `--readme`, the files are parsed like README.md files in GitHub.com. By default, the files are parsed with all the GFM extensions. help if ARGV.include?('--help') puts HELP exit 0 end root = File.expand_path('../../', __FILE__) $:.unshift File.expand_path('lib', root) require 'github/markdown' mode = :gfm mode = :markdown if ARGV.delete('--readme') mode = :plaintext if ARGV.delete('--plaintext') STDOUT.write(GitHub::Markdown.to_html(ARGF.read, mode))