# Description: Chef-Vault VaultBase module # Copyright 2013-15, Nordstrom, Inc. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. require "chef/knife" require_relative "../../chef-vault" class Chef class Knife module VaultBase def self.included(includer) includer.class_eval do deps do require "chef/search/query" require File.expand_path("../mixin/helper", __FILE__) include ChefVault::Mixin::Helper end option :vault_mode, short: "-M MODE", long: "--mode MODE", description: "Chef mode to run in default - solo", proc: proc { |i| Chef::Config[:knife][:vault_mode] = i } end end def show_usage super exit 1 end def configure_chef super ChefVault::Log.logger = Chef::Log.logger end private def bag_is_vault?(bagname) bag = Chef::DataBag.load(bagname) # a data bag is a vault if and only if: # - it has at least one item with item_keys # - every item has a matching item_keys # - item_keys has zero or more keys in sparse mode # vaults have a number of keys >= 2 return false unless bag.keys.size >= 2 # partition into those that end in _keys keylike, notkeylike = split_vault_keys(bag) # there must be an equal number of keyline and not-keylike items return false unless keylike.size == notkeylike.size # strip the _keys suffix and check if the sets match keylike.map! { |k| k.gsub(/_keys$/, "") } return false unless keylike.sort == notkeylike.sort # it's (probably) a vault true end def split_vault_keys(bag) # get all item keys keys = bag.keys.select { |k| k =~ /_keys$/ } # get all sparse keys r = Regexp.union(keys.map { |k| Regexp.new("^#{k.chomp("_keys")}_key_.*") }) sparse = bag.keys.select { |k| k =~ r } # the rest items = bag.keys - keys - sparse # return item keys and items [keys, items] end end end end