module Concerns module Storable class Collection def initialize(parent, category, config) @parent = parent @category = category @config = config init_attributes init_values end def delete stores.each { |s| s.destroy } reset_values end def save attributes.each do |name,value| tmp = store(name) tmp.value = value! end end def store(name, file: false) stores(file: file).find_or_initialize_by(name: name) end # You'll find that mounting an uploader on Store will prevent # the saving of other attributes. def stores(file: false) klass = file ? StoreWithFile : Store klass.where(storable: @parent, collection: @category) end def define_reader_method_for_uploader_field(field, options) self.class.send(:define_method, field) do StoreWithFile.mount_uploader :value, options[:type] store(field, file: true).value end end def define_writer_method_for_uploader_field(field, options) self.class.send(:define_method, "#{field}=") do |value| # Right now, when we save a form with a filefield, you will # notice in the database that the store value keeps updating # with a new filename hash. It always "reuploads" the file. s = store(field, file: true) s.value = value end end private def init_attributes extend(Virtus.model) @config.fields.each do |field,options| if options[:type].to_s.include?('Uploader') define_reader_method_for_uploader_field(field, options) define_writer_method_for_uploader_field(field, options) else attribute field, options[:type], default: options[:default], lazy: true end end end def init_values stores.pluck(:name, :value).each do |field, value| next unless @config.allowed?(field) next if @config.fields[field.to_sym][:type].to_s.include?('Uploader') send "#{field}=", value end end def reset_values attributes.keys.each { |k| send("#{k}=", nil) } true end end end end