require 'aruba/api' World(Aruba::Api) World(Berkshelf::RSpec::ChefAPI) Given /^a cookbook named "(.*?)"$/ do |name| steps %{ Given a directory named "#{name}" And an empty file named "#{name}/metadata.rb" } end Given /^I do not have a Berksfile$/ do in_current_dir { FileUtils.rm_f(Berkshelf::DEFAULT_FILENAME) } end Given /^I do not have a Berksfile\.lock$/ do in_current_dir { FileUtils.rm_f(Berkshelf::Lockfile::DEFAULT_FILENAME) } end Given /^the cookbook "(.*?)" has the file "(.*?)" with:$/ do |cookbook_name, file_name, content| write_file(File.join(cookbook_name, file_name), content) end Given /^the cookbook store has the cookbooks:$/ do |cookbooks| cookbooks.raw.each do |name, version| generate_cookbook(cookbook_store, name, version) end end Given /^the cookbook store contains a cookbook "(.*?)" "(.*?)" with dependencies:$/ do |name, version, dependencies| generate_cookbook(cookbook_store, name, version, dependencies: dependencies.raw) end Then /^the cookbook store should have the cookbooks:$/ do |cookbooks| cookbooks.raw.each do |name, version| cookbook_store.should have_structure { directory "#{name}-#{version}" do file "metadata.rb" do contains version end end } end end Then /^the cookbook store should have the git cookbooks:$/ do |cookbooks| cookbooks.raw.each do |name, version, sha1| cookbook_store.should have_structure { directory "#{name}-#{sha1}" do file "metadata.rb" do contains version end end } end end Then /^the cookbook store should not have the cookbooks:$/ do |cookbooks| cookbooks.raw.each do |name, version| cookbook_store.should_not have_structure { directory "#{name}-#{version}" } end end Then /^the cookbook "(.*?)" should have the following files:$/ do |name, files| check_file_presence({|file_row| File.join(name, file_row[0])}, true) end Then /^the file "(.*?)" in the cookbook "(.*?)" should contain:$/ do |file_name, cookbook_name, content| have_structure { file "Berksfile" do contains content end file "chefignore" } end Then /^the directory "(.*?)" should have the following files:$/ do |name, files| check_file_presence({|file_row| File.join(name, file_row[0])}, true) end Then /^the directory "(.*?)" should not have the following files:$/ do |name, files| check_file_presence({|file_row| File.join(name, file_row[0])}, false) end Then /^the file "(.*?)" in the directory "(.*?)" should not contain:$/ do |file_name, directory_name, content| have_structure { file "Berksfile" do contains content end } end Then /^the current directory should have the following files:$/ do |files| check_file_presence({|file_row| file_row[0]}, true) end Then /^the current directory should not have the following files:$/ do |files| check_file_presence({|file_row| file_row[0]}, false) end