require 'json' module Retrospec module Puppet module Generators class TaskGenerator < Retrospec::Puppet::Generators::BaseGenerator EXT_TYPES = { 'ruby' => 'rb', 'generic' => 'generic', 'python' => 'py', 'powershell' => 'ps1', 'bash' => 'sh', 'node' => 'js' }.freeze # retrospec will initilalize this class so its up to you # to set any additional variables you need to get the job done. def initialize(module_path, spec_object = {}) super @plural_name = 'tasks' @singular_name = 'task' end def shebang "#!/usr/bin/env #{task_type}" end def task_params config_data[:task_params].gsub(/\s/, '').split(',') end def task_params_output params = {} task_params.each_with_object({}) do |item, obj| obj['description'] = "The description of the #{item} parameter" obj['type'] = 'String' params[item] = obj end params end def task_type config_data[:task_type] end def run files = [] files << generate_task_files files end def task_filepath ext = EXT_TYPES.fetch(task_type, task_type) File.join(module_path, 'tasks', "#{item_name}.#{ext}") end def task_params_filepath File.join(module_path, 'tasks', "#{item_name}.json") end def item_spec_path File.join(spec_path, plural_name, "#{item_name}_spec.rb") end def enable_beaker_tasks? false end def generate_task_files context.task_type = task_type context.shebang = shebang context.task_params_output = task_params_output context.task_params = task_params parameter_template = File.join(template_dir, 'task_parameters.json.retrospec.erb') task_template = Dir.glob(File.join(template_dir, 'types', task_type, '*')).first unless task_template task_template = Dir.glob(File.join(template_dir, 'types', 'task.retrospec.erb')).first end safe_create_template_file(task_filepath, task_template, context) safe_create_template_file(task_params_filepath, parameter_template, context) [task_filepath, task_params_filepath] end # used to display subcommand options to the cli # the global options are passed in for your usage # # all options here are available in the config passed into config object # returns the parameters def self.run_cli(global_opts, args = ARGV) task_types = %w(bash generic ruby python node powershell) task_type = global_opts['plugins::puppet::default_task_type'] || 'bash' sub_command_opts = Optimist.options(args) do banner <<-EOS Creates a new puppet bolt task for your module Example: retrospec puppet new_task -n reboot -p "name, ttl, message" EOS opt :name, 'The name of the task you wish to create', :type => :string, :required => true, :short => '-n' opt :task_params, 'The task parameter names separated by commas', :short => '-p', :type => :string, :required => false, default: 'name' opt :task_type, "The task type of the task (#{task_types.join(', ')})", :type => :string, :required => false, :short => '-t', :default => task_type end unless sub_command_opts[:name] Optimist.educate exit 1 end plugin_data = global_opts.merge(sub_command_opts) plugin_data end end end end end