module Arrest class RestChild < AbstractResource attr_accessor :parent def initialize context, parent, h super(context,h) @parent = parent end class << self # class method to generate path to a child resource of aonther resource def resource_path_for parent "#{parent.resource_location}/#{self.resource_name}" end def scoped_path_for parent, scope_name (resource_path_for parent) + '/' + scope_name.to_s end def build(parent, hash), parent, hash) end def all_for(parent) raise "Parent has no id yet" unless begin body_root(source().get_many(parent.context, self.resource_path_for(parent))).map do |h|, h) end rescue Arrest::Errors::DocumentNotFoundError [] end end def find(context, id) raise "find cannot be executed for child resources - use find_for with a parent" end def find_for(context, parent, id) r = source().get_one(context, "#{self.resource_path_for(parent)}/#{id}") body = body_root(r), body) end def filter name, &aproc if aproc != nil send :define_singleton_method, name do |*args| self.all_for(args[0]).select do |instance| instance.instance_exec(*(args.drop(1)), &aproc) end end else raise "You must specify a block for a filter" end end def scope(name, &block) super name if block_given? send :define_singleton_method, name do |parent| self.all_for(parent).select &block end else send :define_singleton_method, name do |parent| raise "Parent has no id yet" unless body_root(source().get_many(parent.context, self.scoped_path_for(parent, name))).map do |h|, h) end end end end end # instance method to generate path to a child resource of another resource def resource_path self.class.resource_path_for @parent end # unique url for one instance of this class def resource_location "#{self.class.resource_path}/#{}" end def unstub return unless @stub raise "stubbing for child resource isnt supported yet" end protected def internal_reload @parent.reload self.class.find_for(self.context, self.parent, end end end