#!/usr/bin/env ruby require "thor" require "pty" require "rainbow" require "config" require_relative "../lib/ddev/version" module Ddev class CLI < Thor # When pushing updated container versions, update these constants. They are # used when pushing, pulling, and building images. VERSIONS = { "dev" => { "base" => 1, "app" => 1, "psql" => 1 } }.freeze #ALL_IMAGES = %w(base ruby psql nginx rails).freeze ALL_IMAGES = { "dev" => %w(base app psql) }.freeze PROJECT = "homepage".freeze desc "build", "Build images. Pass image name to build a specific one; otherwise builds all" option :env, default: "dev", type: :string def build(*images) env = options[:env] images = ALL_IMAGES[env] if images.empty? images = Array(images) puts "Generating build script for #{images.join(", ")}" commands = [] images.each do |image| version = VERSIONS.dig env, image tag = "jutonz/#{PROJECT}-#{env}-#{image}:#{version}" dockerfile = "docker/#{env}/#{image}/Dockerfile" commands << "#{sudo}docker #{docker_opts} build -f #{dockerfile} -t #{tag} ." end stream_output commands.join(" && "), exec: true end desc "push", "Upload locally built images to the remote store" option :env, default: "dev", type: :string def push(*images) load_config! env = options[:env] images = ALL_IMAGES[env] if images.empty? images = Array(images) push_cmds = [] images.each do |image| version = VERSIONS.dig env, image tag_cmd = "#{sudo}docker tag jutonz/#{PROJECT}-#{env}-#{image}:#{version} jutonz/#{PROJECT}-#{env}-#{image}:latest" puts tag_cmd `#{tag_cmd}` push_cmds << "#{sudo}docker push jutonz/#{PROJECT}-#{env}-#{image}:#{version}" end push_cmd = push_cmds.join " && " stream_output push_cmd, exec: true end desc "pull", "Pull the latest remote images to your local machine" option :env, default: "dev", type: :string def pull(*images) env = options[:env] images = ALL_IMAGES[env] if images.empty? images = Array(images) pull_cmds = [] images.each do |image| version = VERSIONS.dig env, image pull_cmds << "#{sudo}docker pull jutonz/#{PROJECT}-#{env}-#{image}:#{version}" end pull_cmd = pull_cmds.join " && " stream_output pull_cmd, exec: true end desc "up", "Start your dockerized app server" option :env, default: "dev", type: :string def up if `which docker-compose`.chomp.empty? error = "Could not find docker-compose executible in path. Please " \ "install it to continue" puts Rainbow(error).fg :red exit 1 end pidfile = "tmp/pids/server.pid" FileUtils.rm pidfile if File.exist? pidfile env = options[:env] compose_file = File.expand_path "docker/#{env}/docker-compose.yml" stream_output "#{sudo}docker-compose -f #{compose_file} up", exec: true end desc "down", "Stop your dockerized app server" option :env, default: "dev", type: :string def down if `which docker-compose`.chomp.empty? error = "Could not find docker-compose executible in path. Please " \ "install it to continue" puts Rainbow(error).fg :red exit 1 end env = options[:env] compose_file = File.expand_path "docker/#{env}/docker-compose.yml" stream_output "#{sudo}docker-compose -f #{compose_file} down", exec: true end desc "initdb", "Setup initial postgres database" def initdb local_data_dir = File.expand_path "../tmp/psql", __FILE__ `#{sudo}rm -r #{local_data_dir}` if File.exists? local_data_dir # todo prompt container = "psql" version = VERSIONS.dig "dev", container container = "jutonz/#{PROJECT}-dev-psql:#{version}" stream_output "#{sudo}docker run --rm --volume #{local_data_dir}:/var/lib/postgresql/data --volume #{`pwd`.chomp}:/tmp/code #{container} /bin/bash -c /etc/initdb.sh", exec: true end desc "cleanup", "cleans up dangling docker images" def cleanup dangling = `#{sudo}docker images --filter dangling=true -q`.split("\n") if dangling.none? puts "No images to cleanup. Yay!" exit 0 end puts "Cleaning up dangling images: #{dangling.join(", ")}" stream_output "#{sudo}docker rmi -f #{dangling.join(" ")}", exec: true end desc "bash CONTAINER", "Create a new instance of the given image with a bash prompt" option :env, default: "dev", type: :string def bash(image = "ruby") env = options[:env] version = VERSIONS.dig env, image image = "jutonz/#{PROJECT}-#{env}-#{image}:#{version}" stream_output "#{sudo}docker run -it --rm --volume #{`pwd`.chomp}:/root #{image} /bin/bash", exec: true end desc "connect CONTAINER", "Connect to a running container" option :env, default: "dev", type: :string def connect(image = "ruby") env = options[:env] version = VERSIONS.dig env, image image = "jutonz/#{PROJECT}-#{env}-#{image}:#{version}" cmd = "#{sudo}docker ps --filter ancestor=#{image} -aq" puts cmd container = `#{cmd}`.chomp if container.empty? puts Rainbow("No running containers for image #{image}").red exit 1 end stream_output "#{sudo}docker exec -it #{container} /bin/bash", exec: true end desc "version", "Prints out version information" def version puts Ddev::VERSION end no_commands do def stream_output(string, print_command: true, exec: false) puts string if print_command if exec exec string else PTY.spawn string do |stdout, stdin, pid| stdout.each { |line| puts line } end end end def sudo `uname`.chomp == "Darwin" ? "" : "sudo " # use sudo on linux hosts end def docker_opts return "" unless ENV["JENKINS"] opts = "--tls" if host = ENV["DOCKER_HOST_IP"] opts += " --host tcp://#{host}" end opts end def config_path path = File.expand_path "../.ddev.yaml", __FILE__ unless File.exist? path error = "Could not find config file at #{path}" puts Rainbow(error).red exit 1 end path end def check_settings! required_keys = %w( project ) required_keys.each do |key| unless Settings.send key error = "Config is missing required key '#{key}'. Please add it " \ "to #{config_path} and try again." puts Rainbow(error).red exit 1 end end end def load_config! Config.load_and_set_settings(config_path) check_settings! end end end end Ddev::CLI.start ARGV