/* Static part of GridPanel's JavaScript class. */ Netzke.pre.GridPanel = Ext.extend(Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel, { trackMouseOver: true, loadMask: true, autoScroll: true, initComponent: function(){ this.plugins = []; // checkbox colums is a special case, being a plugin var filters = []; // Run through columns and set up different configuration for each Ext.each(this.columns, function(c, i){ // We will not use meta columns as actual columns (not even hidden) - only to create the records if (c.meta) return; // Apply default column config Ext.applyIf(c, this.defaultColumnConfig); // setting dataIndex separately c.dataIndex = c.name; // Automatically calculated default values if (!c.header) {c.header = c.label || c.name.humanize()} // normalize editor if (c.editor) { c.editor = Ext.isObject(c.editor) ? c.editor : {xtype:c.editor}; } else { c.editor = {xtype: this.attrTypeEditorMap[c.attrType] || 'textfield'} } // if comboboxOptions are provided, we render a combobox instead of textfield if (c.comboboxOptions && c.editor.xtype === "textfield") { c.editor = {xtype: "combobox", options: c.comboboxOptions.split('\\n')} } // collect filters if (c.filterable){ filters.push({type:this.filterTypeForAttrType(c.attrType), dataIndex:c.name}); } if (c.editor && c.editor.xtype == 'checkbox') { // Special case of checkbox column var plugin = new Ext.ux.grid.CheckColumn(c); this.plugins.push(plugin); this.columns[i] = plugin; } else { // a "normal" column, not a plugin if (!c.readOnly && !this.prohibitUpdate) { // c.editor contains complete config of the editor var xtype = c.editor.xtype; c.editor = Ext.apply({ parentId: this.id, name: c.name, selectOnFocus:true }, c.editor); } else { c.editor = null; } // Normalize the renderer this.normalizeRenderer(c); // set the renderer // if (c.renderer && !Ext.isArray(c.renderer) && c.renderer.match(/^\\s*function\\s*\\(/)) { // // if the renderer is an inline function - eval it (double escaping because we are inside of the Ruby string here...) // eval("c.renderer = " + c.renderer + ";"); // } else if (Ext.isFunction(this[c.renderer])) { // // whether the renderer is defined in this.scope // c.renderer = this[c.renderer].createDelegate(this); // } else { // // othrewise it's a string representing the name of the renderer or a json-encoded array, // // where the first parameter is the renderer's name, and the rest - parameters that should be // // passed to the renderer at the moment of calling // var renderer = Ext.netzke.normalizedRenderer(c.renderer); // if (renderer != null) { // c.renderer = renderer // }; // } // // add to the list // cmConfig.push(c); } }, this); /* ... and done with columns */ // Filters if (this.enableColumnFilters) { this.plugins.push(new Ext.ux.grid.GridFilters({filters:filters})); } // Create Ext.data.Record constructor specific for our particular column configuration this.recordConfig = []; Ext.each(this.columns, function(column){this.recordConfig.push({name:column.name, defaultValue:column.defaultValue});}, this); this.Row = Ext.data.Record.create(this.recordConfig); // Drag'n'Drop if (this.enableRowsReordering){ this.ddPlugin = new Ext.ux.dd.GridDragDropRowOrder({ scrollable: true // enable scrolling support (default is false) }); this.plugins.push(this.ddPlugin); } // Explicitely create the connection to get grid's data, // because we don't want the app-wide Ext.Ajax to be used, // as we are going to subscribe to its events var connection = new Ext.data.Connection({ url: this.endpointUrl("get_data"), extraParams: { authenticity_token : Netzke.authenticityToken }, // inform Ext.Ajax about our events listeners: { beforerequest: function(){ Ext.Ajax.fireEvent('beforerequest', arguments); }, requestexception: function(){ Ext.Ajax.fireEvent('requestexception', arguments); }, requestcomplete: function(){ Ext.Ajax.fireEvent('requestcomplete', arguments); } } }); // besides getting data into the store, we may also get commands to execute connection.on('requestcomplete', function(conn, r){ var response = Ext.decode(r.responseText); // delete data-related properties Ext.each(['data', 'total', 'success'], function(property){delete response[property];}); this.bulkExecute(response); }, this); // HttpProxy that uses our custom connection var httpProxy = new Ext.data.HttpProxy(connection); // Data store this.store = new Ext.data.Store({ proxy: this.proxy = httpProxy, reader: new Ext.data.ArrayReader({root: "data", totalProperty: "total", successProperty: "success", id:0}, this.Row), remoteSort: true, listeners:{'loadexception':{ fn:this.loadExceptionHandler, scope:this }} }); // Normalize bottom bar this.bbar = (this.enablePagination) ? new Ext.PagingToolbar({ pageSize : this.rowsPerPage, items : this.bbar ? ["-"].concat(this.bbar) : [], store : this.store, emptyMsg: 'Empty', displayInfo: true }) : this.bbar; // Selection model if (!this.sm) this.sm = new Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel(); // Now let Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel do the rest // Original initComponent Netzke.pre.GridPanel.superclass.initComponent.call(this); // Hidden change event if (this.persistentConfig) {this.getColumnModel().on('hiddenchange', this.onColumnHiddenChange, this);} // Inform the server part about column operations if (this.persistentConfig) { this.on('columnresize', this.onColumnResize, this); this.on('columnmove', this.onColumnMove, this); } // Context menu if (this.contextMenu) { this.on('rowcontextmenu', this.onRowContextMenu, this); } // Load data AFTER the toolbar is bound to the store, which will provide for correct page number if (this.loadInlineData) { this.getStore().loadData(this.inlineData); // If rows per page specified, fake store.lastOptions as if the data was loaded // by PagingToolbar (for correct functionning of refresh tool and extended search) if (this.rowsPerPage) { this.getStore().lastOptions = {params:{limit:this.rowsPerPage, start:0}}; // this is how PagingToolbar does it... } // inlineData may also contain commands (TODO: make it DRY) // delete data-related properties Ext.each(['data', 'total', 'success'], function(property){delete this.inlineData[property];}, this); this.bulkExecute(this.inlineData); } // Process selectionchange event this.getSelectionModel().on('selectionchange', function(selModel){ // enable/disable actions if (this.actions.del) this.actions.del.setDisabled(!selModel.hasSelection() || this.prohibitDelete); if (this.actions.edit) this.actions.edit.setDisabled(selModel.getCount() != 1 || this.prohibitUpdate); }, this); // Drag n Drop event if (this.enableRowsReordering){ this.ddPlugin.on('afterrowmove', this.onAfterRowMove, this); } // GridView this.getView().getRowClass = this.defaultGetRowClass; }, filterTypeForAttrType: function(attrType){ var map = { integer :'Numeric', decimal :'Numeric', datetime:'Date', date :'Date', string :'String' }; map['boolean'] = "Boolean"; // "boolean" is a JS reserved word return map[attrType] || 'String'; }, attrTypeEditorMap: { integer : "numberfield", "float" : "numberfield", "boolean": "checkbox", decimal : "numberfield", datetime : "xdatetime", date : "datefield", string : "textfield" }, onAdd: function(){ var r = new this.Row(); r.isNew = true; // to distinguish new records // r.set('id', r.id); // otherwise later r.get('id') returns empty string this.stopEditing(); this.getStore().add(r); // Set default values this.getStore().fields.each(function(field){ r.set(field.name, field.defaultValue); }); this.tryStartEditing(this.store.indexOf(r)); }, onDel: function() { Ext.Msg.confirm('Confirm', 'Are you sure?', function(btn){ if (btn == 'yes') { var records = []; this.getSelectionModel().each(function(r){ if (r.isNew) { // this record is not know to server - simply remove from store this.store.remove(r); } else { records.push(r.id); } }, this); if (records.length > 0){ // call API this.deleteData({records: Ext.encode(records)}); } } }, this); }, onApply: function(){ var newRecords = []; var updatedRecords = []; Ext.each(this.store.getModifiedRecords(), function(r) { if (r.isNew) { newRecords.push(Ext.apply(r.getChanges(), {id:r.id})); } else { updatedRecords.push(Ext.apply(r.getChanges(), {id:r.id})); } }, this); if (newRecords.length > 0 || updatedRecords.length > 0) { var params = {}; if (newRecords.length > 0) { params.created_records = Ext.encode(newRecords); } if (updatedRecords.length > 0) { params.updated_records = Ext.encode(updatedRecords); } if (this.store.baseParams !== {}) { params.base_params = Ext.encode(this.store.baseParams); } this.postData(params); } }, // Handlers for tools // onRefresh: function() { if (this.fireEvent('refresh', this) !== false) { this.store.reload(); } }, // Event handlers // onColumnResize: function(index, size){ this.resizeColumn({ index:index, size:size }); }, onColumnHiddenChange: function(cm, index, hidden){ this.hideColumn({ index:index, hidden:hidden }); }, onColumnMove: function(oldIndex, newIndex){ this.moveColumn({ old_index:oldIndex, new_index:newIndex }); var newRecordConfig = []; Ext.each(this.getColumnModel().config, function(c){newRecordConfig.push({name: c.name})}); delete this.Row; // old record constructor this.Row = Ext.data.Record.create(newRecordConfig); this.getStore().reader.recordType = this.Row; }, onRowContextMenu: function(grid, rowIndex, e){ e.stopEvent(); var coords = e.getXY(); if (!grid.getSelectionModel().isSelected(rowIndex)) { grid.getSelectionModel().selectRow(rowIndex); } var menu = new Ext.menu.Menu({ items: this.contextMenu }); menu.showAt(coords); }, onAfterRowMove: function(dt, oldIndex, newIndex, records){ var ids = []; // collect records ids Ext.each(records, function(r){ids.push(r.id)}); // call GridPanel's API this.moveRows({ids:Ext.encode(ids), new_index: newIndex}); }, // Other methods // loadExceptionHandler: function(proxy, options, response, error){ if (response.status == 200 && (responseObject = Ext.decode(response.responseText)) && responseObject.flash){ this.feedback(responseObject.flash); } else { if (error){ this.feedback(error.message); } else { this.feedback(response.statusText); } } }, update: function(){ this.store.reload(); }, loadStoreData: function(data){ this.store.loadData(data); Ext.each(['data', 'total', 'success'], function(property){delete data[property];}, this); this.bulkExecute(data); }, // try editing the first editable (i.e. not hidden, not read-only) sell tryStartEditing: function(row){ var editableIndex = 0; Ext.each(this.getColumnModel().config, function(c){ // skip columns that cannot be edited if (!(c.hidden == true || c.editable == false || !c.editor || c.attrType == 'boolean')) { return false; } editableIndex++; }); if (editableIndex < this.getColumnModel().config.length) {this.startEditing(row, editableIndex);} }, // Called by the server side to update newly created records updateNewRecords: function(records){ this.updateRecords(records); }, // Called by the server side to update modified records updateModRecords: function(records){ this.updateRecords(records, true); }, // Updates modified or newly created records, by record ID // Example of the records argument (updated columns): // {1098 => [1, 'value1', 'value2'], 1099 => [2, 'value1', 'value2']} // Example of the records argument (new columns, id autogenerated by Ext): // {"ext-record-200" => [1, 'value1', 'value2']} updateRecords: function(records, mod){ if (!mod) {mod = false;} var modRecordsInGrid = [].concat(this.store.getModifiedRecords()); // there must be a better way to clone an array... // replace arrays of data in the args object with Ext.data.Record objects for (var k in records){ records[k] = this.store.reader.readRecords([records[k]]).records[0]; } // for each new record write the data returned by the server, and commit the record Ext.each(modRecordsInGrid, function(recordInGrid){ if (mod ^ recordInGrid.isNew) { // if record is new, we access its id by "id", otherwise, the id is in the primary key column var recordId = recordInGrid.id; // new data that the server sent us to update this record (identified by the id) var newData = records[recordId]; if (newData){ for (var k in newData.data){ recordInGrid.set(k, newData.get(k)); } recordInGrid.isNew = false; recordInGrid.commit(); } } }, this); // clear the selections this.getSelectionModel().clearSelections(); // check if there are still records with errors var modRecords = this.store.getModifiedRecords(); if (modRecords.length == 0) { // if all records are accepted, reload the grid (so that eventual order/filtering is correct) this.store.reload(); // ... and set default getRowClass function this.getView().getRowClass = this.defaultGetRowClass; } else { this.getView().getRowClass = function(r){ return r.dirty ? "grid-dirty-record" : "" } } this.getView().refresh(); this.getSelectionModel().fireEvent('selectionchange', this.getSelectionModel()); }, defaultGetRowClass: function(r){ return r.isNew ? "grid-dirty-record" : "" }, selectFirstRow: function(){ this.getSelectionModel().suspendEvents(); this.getSelectionModel().selectRow(0); this.getSelectionModel().resumeEvents(); }, // Normalizes the renderer for a column. // Renderer may be: // 1) a string that contains the name of the function to be used as renderer. // 2) an array, where the first element is the function name, and the rest - the arguments // that will be passed to that function along with the value to be rendered. // The function is searched in the following objects: 1) Ext.util.Format, 2) this. // If not found, it is simply evaluated. Handy, when as renderer we receive an inline JS function, // or reference to a function in some other scope. // So, these will work: // * "uppercase" // * ["ellipsis", 10] // * ["substr", 3, 5] // * "myRenderer" (if this.myRenderer is a function) // * ["Some.scope.Format.customRenderer", 10, 20, 30] (if Some.scope.Format.customRenderer is a function) // * "function(v){ return 'Value: ' + v; }" normalizeRenderer: function(c) { if (!c.renderer) return; var name, args = []; if ('string' === typeof c.renderer) { name = c.renderer; } else { name = c.renderer[0]; args = c.renderer.slice(1); } // First check whether Ext.util.Format has it if (Ext.isFunction(Ext.util.Format[name])) { c.renderer = Ext.util.Format[name].createDelegate(this, args, 1); } else if (Ext.isFunction(this[name])) { // ... then if our own class has it c.renderer = this[name].createDelegate(this, args, 1); } else { // ... and, as last resort, evaluate it (allows passing inline javascript function as renderer) eval("c.renderer = " + c.renderer + ";"); } }, onEdit: function(){ var row = this.getSelectionModel().getSelected(); if (row){ this.tryStartEditing(this.store.indexOf(row)); } } // :reorder_columns => <<-END_OF_JAVASCRIPT.l, // function(columns){ // columnsInNewShipment = []; // Ext.each(columns, function(c){ // columnsInNewShipment.push({name:c}); // }); // newRecordType = Ext.data.Record.create(columnsInNewShipment); // this.store.reader.recordType = newRecordType; // yes, recordType is a protected property, but that's the only way we can do it, and it seems to work for now // } // END_OF_JAVASCRIPT });