module BillHicks # Inventory item response structure: # # { # product: "...", # upc: "...", # quantity: "..." # } class Inventory < Base INVENTORY_FILENAME = 'billhicksinventory.csv' def initialize(options = {}) requires!(options, :username, :password) @options = options end def self.all(options = {}) requires!(options, :username, :password) new(options).all end def self.process_as_chunks(size = 15, options = {}, &block) requires!(options, :username, :password) new(options).process_as_chunks(size, &block) end # Returns an array of hashes with the inventory item details. def all inventory = [] connect(@options) do |ftp| ftp.chdir(BillHicks.config.top_level_dir) lines = ftp.gettextfile(INVENTORY_FILENAME, nil) CSV.parse(lines, headers: :first_row) do |row| inventory << { brand: BillHicks::BrandConverter.convert(row.fetch('Product')), product: row.fetch('Product'), upc: row.fetch('UPC'), quantity: (Integer(row.fetch('Qty Avail')) rescue 0) } end end inventory end # Streams csv and chunks it # # @size integer The number of items in each chunk def process_as_chunks(size, &block) connect(@options) do |ftp| temp_csv_file = ftp.chdir(BillHicks.config.top_level_dir) ftp.getbinaryfile(INVENTORY_FILENAME, temp_csv_file.path) SmarterCSV.process(temp_csv_file, { :chunk_size => size, :force_utf8 => true, :convert_values_to_numeric => false, }) do |chunk| chunk.each do |item| item[:brand] = BillHicks::BrandConverter.convert(item[:product]) end yield(chunk) end temp_csv_file.unlink end end end end