module Adminpanel module ResourceGeneratorHelper def setup_is_found? if Dir.exists?('config') && Dir.exists?('config/initializers') && File.exists?('config/initializers/adminpanel_setup.rb') true else false end end def belongs_to_field(resource) "#{resource.singularize.downcase}_id" end def has_many_field(resource) "#{resource.singularize.downcase}_ids" end def resource_class_name(resource) "#{resource.singularize.capitalize}" end def assign_attributes_variables(attribute) @attr_field = attribute.split(":").first if attribute.split(":").second.nil? @attr_type = "string" else @attr_type = attribute.split(":").second end end def is_a_resource? fields.each do |attribute| assign_attributes_variables(attribute) if @attr_type != 'belongs_to' return true end end false end def has_gallery? !options[:'skip-gallery'] end def resource_name name.singularize.downcase #normalize name to downcase and singular end def gallery_name "#{resource_name}file" #ex: postfile end def camelized_resource resource_name.camelize end def pluralized_name "#{resource_name.pluralize}" end def symbolized_attributes do |attribute| assign_attributes_variables(attribute) case @attr_type when 'belongs_to' ':' + belongs_to_field(@attr_field) when 'has_many' has_many_field(@attr_field) + ': []' else ":#{attribute.split(':').first}" end end.join(",\n") end def get_attribute_hash do |attribute| assign_attributes_variables(attribute) send(@attr_type + '_form_hash') end.join(", \n") end def string_form_hash attribute_hash(@attr_field, 'text_field') end def float_form_hash attribute_hash(@attr_field, 'text_field') end def text_form_hash attribute_hash(@attr_field ,'wysiwyg_field') end def integer_form_hash attribute_hash(@attr_field, 'number_field') end def boolean_form_hash attribute_hash(@attr_field, 'boolean') end def datepicker_form_hash attribute_hash(@attr_field, 'datepicker') end def file_field_form_hash attribute_hash(gallery_name.pluralize, 'adminpanel_file_field') end def belongs_to_form_hash attribute_hash(belongs_to_field(@attr_field), 'belongs_to', resource_class_name(@attr_field)) end def has_many_form_hash attribute_hash(has_many_field(resource_class_name(@attr_field)), 'has_many', 'has_many model') end def attribute_hash(name, type, model = '') if model != '' model = model_type(model) + ",\n" end "{\n" + indent("'#{name}'" + " => {\n", 2) + indent(form_type(type), 4) + ",\n" + indent(label_type, 4) + ",\n" + indent(placeholder_type, 4) + ",\n" + indent(model, 4) + indent("}\n", 2) + '}' end def form_type(type) "'type' => '#{type}'" end def label_type "'label' => '#{@attr_field}'" end def placeholder_type "'placeholder' => '#{@attr_field}'" end def model_type(type) "'model' => 'Adminpanel::#{type}'" end def has_associations? fields.each do |attribute| assign_attributes_variables(attribute) if @attr_type == "images" || @attr_type == "belongs_to" || @attr_type == "has_many" || @attr_type == "has_many_through" return true end end return false end def associations association = "" fields.each do |attribute| assign_attributes_variables(attribute) if @attr_type == "belongs_to" association = "#{association}#{belongs_to_association(@attr_field)}" elsif @attr_type == "has_many" || @attr_type == "has_many_through" association = "#{association}#{has_many_association(@attr_field)}" end end association end def belongs_to_association(field) "belongs_to :#{field.singularize.downcase}\n\t\t" end def has_many_association(field) return "# has_many :categorizations\n\t\t" + "# has_many :#{@attr_field}, " + ":through => :categorizations, " + ":dependent => :destroy\n\t\t" end def get_gallery return "\n\t\tmount_images :#{gallery_name.pluralize}\n" end end end