Feature: edit permissions for a project As an admin, I can manage permissions for each project in my account, so only project members can edit blurbs. Scenario: edit permissions for a project Given the following project exists: | name | account | | Stocknames | name: thoughtbot | And the following users exist: | name | email | | Bill | bill@example.com | | Jane | jane@example.com | | Jeff | jeff@example.com | | Hank | hank@example.com | And I am signed in as an admin of the "Stocknames" project And "bill@example.com" is a member of the "Stocknames" project And "jane@example.com" is a member of the "thoughtbot" account And "hank@example.com" is an admin of the "Stocknames" project When I go to the settings page for the "thoughtbot" account And I follow "Projects" within ".subnav" And I follow "Stocknames" within "ul.projects" Then "Bill" should be listed as a member And "Hank" should be listed as an admin And "Jane" should be listed as a non-member And I should not see "Jeff" When I check "Jane" And I uncheck "Bill" And I press "Update" Then I should see "Project was updated" When I follow "Stocknames" within "ul.projects" Then the "Bill" checkbox should not be checked And the "Jane" checkbox should be checked And the "Hank" checkbox should be checked And I should not see "Jeff"