# fluent-plugin-unix-client
[Fluentd](https://fluentd.org/) input plugin to receive data from UNIX domain socket.
This is a **client version** of [the default `unix` plugin](https://docs.fluentd.org/input/unix).
## Installation
### RubyGems
$ gem install fluent-plugin-unix-client
### Bundler
Add following line to your Gemfile:
gem "fluent-plugin-unix-client"
And then execute:
$ bundle
## Configuration
### tag (string) (required)
Tag of output events.
### path (string) (required)
The path to Unix Domain Socket.
Note: This is a client side application, so you need to set the path which **is opened by another server side application**.
### parse (section) (required)
This plugin use Fluentd parser plugin as a helper.
See [Config: Parse Section](https://docs.fluentd.org/configuration/parse-section).
### delimiter (string) (optional)
The payload is read up to this character.
Default value: `"\n"` (newline).
## Sample
@type stdout
## Specification
* This recieves data from UNIX domain socket which **is opened by another application**.
* If you need other applications to send data to the socket you opened, you can use [the default `unix` plugin](https://docs.fluentd.org/input/unix).
* If this can't connect to the socket, this trys to reconnect later.
## Copyright
* Copyright(c) 2021- daipom
* License
* Apache License, Version 2.0