# snapgit [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/snapgit.svg)](https://rubygems.org/gems/snapgit) ## Requirements - A Mac ## Installation ``` [sudo] gem install snapgit ``` If the installation fails, uninstall [lolcommits](https://github.com/mroth/lolcommits) using `sudo gem uninstall lolcommits` ``` snapgit init ``` This will help you get up and running in no time. It is recommended to just enable lolcommits for all repos. ## Usage Just commit things and it will just work. ## Examples TODO ## Authors




# License `snapgit` was forked from [mroth/lolcommits](https://github.com/mroth/lolcommits). `snapgit` is under the same license as `lolcommits`: [GNU lesser general public license](https://github.com/snapgit/snapgit/blob/master/LICENSE).