/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */ /* * Copyright 2013 Couchbase, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "hostlist.h" #include #include #include #include #include using namespace lcb; Hostlist::~Hostlist() { reset_strlist(); } void Hostlist::reset_strlist() { for (size_t ii = 0; ii < hoststrs.size(); ++ii) { if (hoststrs[ii] != NULL) { delete[] hoststrs[ii]; } } hoststrs.clear(); } lcb_error_t lcb_host_parse(lcb_host_t *host, const char *spec, int speclen, int deflport) { std::vector zspec; char *host_s; char *port_s; char *delim; bool ipv6 = false; /** Parse the host properly */ if (speclen < 0) { speclen = strlen(spec); } else if (speclen == 0) { return LCB_INVALID_HOST_FORMAT; } if (deflport < 1) { return LCB_INVALID_HOST_FORMAT; } zspec.assign(spec, spec + speclen); zspec.push_back('\0'); host_s = &zspec[0]; if ( (delim = strstr(host_s, "://"))) { host_s = delim + 3; } if ((delim = strstr(host_s, "/"))) { *delim = '\0'; } port_s = strstr(host_s, ":"); if (port_s != NULL && strstr(port_s + 1, ":") != NULL) { ipv6 = true; // treat as IPv6 address if (host_s[0] == '[') { host_s++; char *hostend = strstr(host_s, "]"); if (hostend == NULL) { return LCB_INVALID_HOST_FORMAT; } port_s = hostend + 1; if (*port_s != ':' || (size_t)(port_s - host_s) >= strlen(host_s)) { port_s = NULL; } *hostend = '\0'; } else { port_s = NULL; } } if (port_s != NULL) { char *endp; long ll; *port_s = '\0'; port_s++; if (! *port_s) { return LCB_INVALID_HOST_FORMAT; } ll = strtol(port_s, &endp, 10); if (ll == LONG_MIN || ll == LONG_MAX) { return LCB_INVALID_HOST_FORMAT; } if (*endp) { return LCB_INVALID_HOST_FORMAT; } } else { port_s = const_cast(""); } if (strlen(host_s) > sizeof(host->host)-1 || strlen(port_s) > sizeof(host->port)-1 || *host_s == '\0') { return LCB_INVALID_HOST_FORMAT; } size_t ii, hostlen = strlen(host_s); for (ii = 0; ii < hostlen; ii++) { if (isalnum(host_s[ii])) { continue; } switch (host_s[ii]) { case '.': case '-': case '_': break; case ':': case '[': case ']': if (ipv6) { break; } /* fallthrough */ default: return LCB_INVALID_HOST_FORMAT; } } strcpy(host->host, host_s); if (*port_s) { strcpy(host->port, port_s); } else { sprintf(host->port, "%d", deflport); } host->ipv6 = ipv6; return LCB_SUCCESS; } int lcb_host_equals(const lcb_host_t *a, const lcb_host_t *b) { return strcmp(a->host, b->host) == 0 && strcmp(a->port, b->port) == 0; } bool Hostlist::exists(const lcb_host_t& host) const { for (size_t ii = 0; ii < hosts.size(); ++ii) { if (lcb_host_equals(&host, &hosts[ii])) { return true; } } return false; } bool Hostlist::exists(const char *s) const { lcb_host_t tmp = {"", "", 0}; if (lcb_host_parse(&tmp, s, -1, 1) != LCB_SUCCESS) { return false; } return exists(tmp); } void Hostlist::add(const lcb_host_t& host) { if (exists(host)) { return; } hosts.push_back(host); reset_strlist(); } lcb_error_t Hostlist::add(const char *hostport, long len, int deflport) { lcb_error_t err = LCB_SUCCESS; if (len < 0) { len = strlen(hostport); } std::string ss(hostport, len); if (ss.empty()) { return LCB_SUCCESS; } if (ss[ss.length()-1] != ';') { ss += ';'; } const char *curstart = ss.c_str(); const char *delim; while ( (delim = strstr(curstart, ";"))) { lcb_host_t curhost = {"", "", 0}; size_t curlen; if (delim == curstart) { curstart++; continue; } /** { 'f', 'o', 'o', ';' } */ curlen = delim - curstart; err = lcb_host_parse(&curhost, curstart, curlen, deflport); if (err != LCB_SUCCESS) { return err; } add(curhost); curstart = delim + 1; } return LCB_SUCCESS; } lcb_host_t * Hostlist::next(bool wrap) { lcb_host_t *ret; if (empty()) { return NULL; } if (ix == size()) { if (wrap) { ix = 0; } else { return NULL; } } ret = &hosts[ix]; ix++; return ret; } void Hostlist::randomize() { std::random_shuffle(hosts.begin(), hosts.end()); reset_strlist(); } void Hostlist::ensure_strlist() { if (hoststrs.size()) { return; } for (size_t ii = 0; ii < hosts.size(); ii++) { const lcb_host_t& host = hosts[ii]; std::string ss; if (host.ipv6) { ss.append("[").append(host.host).append("]"); } else { ss.append(host.host); } ss.append(":").append(host.port); char *newstr = new char[ss.size() + 1]; newstr[ss.size()] = '\0'; memcpy(newstr, ss.c_str(), ss.size()); hoststrs.push_back(newstr); } hoststrs.push_back(NULL); } Hostlist& Hostlist::assign(const Hostlist& src) { clear(); reset_strlist(); for (size_t ii = 0; ii < src.size(); ++ii) { add(src.hosts[ii]); } return *this; }