describe 'jQuery' describe 'sandbox()' before dom = sandbox() end it 'should provide an empty DOM sandbox' dom.prepend('<em>test</em>') dom.should.have_text 'test' end end describe 'element() / elements()' it 'should alias jQuery' jQuery jQuery end end describe 'async' it 'should load mah cookies (textfile)' $.get('async', function(text){ text.should_eql 'cookies!' }) end it 'should load mah cookies twice (ensure multiple async requests work)' $.get('async', function(text){ text.should.eql 'cookies!' }) $.get('async', function(text){ text.should.not.eql 'rawr' }) end end describe 'matchers' before_each html = '<p><label><em>Save?</em></label> \ <select class="save form-select" style="display: none;"> \ <option value="0">No</option> \ <option value="1">Yes</option> \ </select> \ <strong>test</strong> \ <strong>test</strong> \ </p>' elem = $(html) end it 'should fail with pretty print of element' spec = mock_it(function() { elem.should.not.have_tag 'label' }) spec.should.have_failure_message(/<label>\s*<em>Save?/i) end describe 'have_tag / have_one' it 'should check if a single child is present' elem.should.have_tag 'label' elem.should.have_tag 'em' elem.should.have_one 'label' elem.should.not.have_tag 'input' end end describe 'have_tags / have_many' it 'should check if more than one child is present' elem.should.have_tags 'option' elem.should.have_many 'option' elem.should.not.have_many 'label' end end describe 'have_child' it 'should check if a direct child is present' elem.should.have_child 'label' elem.should.not.have_child 'em' end end describe 'have_children' it 'should check if more than one direct children are present' elem.should.have_children 'strong' elem.should.not.have_children 'select' end end describe 'have_text' it 'should check for plain text' $('label', elem).should.have_text 'Save?' end end describe 'have_value' it 'should check if an element has the given value' elem.find('option').get(1).should.have_value '1' end end describe 'have_class' it 'should check if an element has the given class' $('select', elem).should.have_class 'save' end end describe 'have_classes' it 'should check if an element has the classes given' $('select', elem).should.have_classes 'save', 'form-select' $('select', elem).should.not.have_classes 'save', 'foo' $('select', elem).should.not.have_classes 'foo', 'save' end end describe 'be_visible' it 'should check that an element is not hidden or set to display of none' element('#jspec-report').should.be_visible '#jspec-report'.should.be_visible '<input style="visibility: hidden;"/>'.should.not.be_visible '<input style="display: none;"/>'.should.not.be_visible '<input />'.should.be_visible end end describe 'be_enabled' it 'should check that an element is currently enabled' '<input type="button"/>'.should.be_enabled '<input type="button" disabled="disabled" />'.should.not.be_enabled end end describe 'be_BOOLATTR' it 'should check that an element is currently selected, disabled, checked etc' '<input type="button"/>'.should.not.be_disabled '<input type="button" disabled="disabled" />'.should.be_disabled '<option value="foo" selected="selected">Foo</option>'.should.be_selected end end describe 'have_ATTR' it 'should check if an attribute exists' '<input type="checkbox"/>'.should.have_type end it 'should check if an attribute has a specific value' '<input type="checkbox"/>'.should.have_type 'checkbox' end end describe 'be_hidden' it 'should check if an element is hidden' '<input style="display: none;" />'.should.be_hidden '<input style="visibility: hidden;" />'.should.be_hidden '<input />'.should.not.be_hidden end end describe 'have_attr' before_each elem = '<input type="button" title="some foo" value="Foo" />' end it 'should check that an element has the given attribute' elem.should.have_attr 'title' elem.should.not_have_attr 'rawr' end it 'should check that the given attribute has a specific value' elem.should.have_attr 'title', 'some foo' elem.should.not.have_attr 'some', 'rawr' elem.should.not.have_attr 'title', 'bar' end end end end