Feature: Test Run Starting Event This event is fired once all test cases have been filtered, just before the first one is executed. See [the API documentation](http://www.rubydoc.info/github/cucumber/cucumber-ruby/Cucumber/Events/TestRunStarting) for more information about the data available on this event. Background: Given the standard step definitions And a file named "features/foo.feature" with: """ Feature: Foo Scenario: Given a passing step """ And a file named "features/bar.feature" with: """ Feature: Foo Scenario: Given a passing step """ And a file named "features/support/events.rb" with: """ AfterConfiguration do |config| config.on_event :test_run_starting do |event| config.out_stream.puts "test run starting" config.out_stream.puts event.test_cases.map(&:location) end end """ @todo-windows Scenario: Run the test case When I run `cucumber -q` Then it should pass with: """ test run starting features/bar.feature:2 features/foo.feature:2 """