/** * @file Multinomial.h * @author bab2min (bab2min@gmail.com) * @brief * @version 0.3.3 * @date 2021-03-31 * * @copyright Copyright (c) 2020-2021 * */ #ifndef EIGENRAND_MVDISTS_MULTINOMIAL_H #define EIGENRAND_MVDISTS_MULTINOMIAL_H namespace Eigen { namespace Rand { /** * @brief Generator of real vectors on a multinomial distribution * * @tparam _Scalar * @tparam Dim number of dimensions, or `Eigen::Dynamic` */ template class MultinomialGen : public MvVecGenBase, _Scalar, Dim> { static_assert(std::is_same<_Scalar, int32_t>::value, "`MultinomialGen` needs integral types."); _Scalar trials; Matrix probs; DiscreteGen<_Scalar> discrete; public: /** * @brief Construct a new multinomial generator * * @tparam WeightTy * @param _trials the number of trials * @param _weights the weights of each category, `(Dim, 1)` shape matrix or vector */ template MultinomialGen(_Scalar _trials, const MatrixBase& _weights) : trials{ _trials }, probs{ _weights.template cast() }, discrete(probs.data(), probs.data() + probs.size()) { eigen_assert(_weights.cols() == 1); for (Index i = 0; i < probs.size(); ++i) { eigen_assert(probs[i] >= 0); } probs /= probs.sum(); } MultinomialGen(const MultinomialGen&) = default; MultinomialGen(MultinomialGen&&) = default; MultinomialGen& operator=(const MultinomialGen&) = default; MultinomialGen& operator=(MultinomialGen&&) = default; Index dims() const { return probs.rows(); } template inline Matrix<_Scalar, Dim, -1> generate(Urng&& urng, Index samples) { const Index dim = probs.size(); Matrix<_Scalar, Dim, -1> ret(dim, samples); //if (trials < 2500) { for (Index j = 0; j < samples; ++j) { ret.col(j) = generate(urng); } } /*else { ret.row(0) = binomial>(samples, 1, urng, trials, probs[0]).eval().transpose(); for (Index j = 0; j < samples; ++j) { double rest_p = 1 - probs[0]; _Scalar t = trials - ret(0, j); for (Index i = 1; i < dim - 1; ++i) { ret(i, j) = binomial>(1, 1, urng, t, probs[i] / rest_p)(0); t -= ret(i, j); rest_p -= probs[i]; } ret(dim - 1, j) = 0; } ret.row(dim - 1).setZero(); ret.row(dim - 1).array() = trials - ret.colwise().sum().array(); }*/ return ret; } template inline Matrix<_Scalar, Dim, 1> generate(Urng&& urng) { const Index dim = probs.size(); Matrix<_Scalar, Dim, 1> ret(dim); //if (trials < 2500) { ret.setZero(); auto d = discrete.template generate>(trials, 1, urng).eval(); for (Index i = 0; i < trials; ++i) { ret[d[i]] += 1; } } /*else { double rest_p = 1; _Scalar t = trials; for (Index i = 0; i < dim - 1; ++i) { ret[i] = binomial>(1, 1, urng, t, probs[i] / rest_p)(0); t -= ret[i]; rest_p -= probs[i]; } ret[dim - 1] = 0; ret[dim - 1] = trials - ret.sum(); }*/ return ret; } }; /** * @brief helper function constructing Eigen::Rand::MultinomialGen * * @tparam IntTy * @tparam WeightTy * @param trials the number of trials * @param probs The weights of each category with shape `(Dim, 1)` of matrix or vector. * The number of entries determines the dimensionality of the distribution * @return an instance of MultinomialGen in the appropriate type */ template inline auto makeMultinomialGen(IntTy trials, const MatrixBase& probs) -> MultinomialGen::RowsAtCompileTime> { return MultinomialGen::RowsAtCompileTime>{ trials, probs }; } /** * @brief Generator of reals on a Dirichlet distribution * * @tparam _Scalar * @tparam Dim number of dimensions, or `Eigen::Dynamic` */ template class DirichletGen : public MvVecGenBase, _Scalar, Dim> { static_assert(std::is_floating_point<_Scalar>::value, "`DirichletGen` needs floating point types."); Matrix<_Scalar, Dim, 1> alpha; std::vector> gammas; public: /** * @brief Construct a new Dirichlet generator * * @tparam AlphaTy * @param _alpha the concentration parameters with shape `(Dim, 1)` matrix or vector */ template DirichletGen(const MatrixBase& _alpha) : alpha{ _alpha } { eigen_assert(_alpha.cols() == 1); for (Index i = 0; i < alpha.size(); ++i) { eigen_assert(alpha[i] > 0); gammas.emplace_back(alpha[i]); } } DirichletGen(const DirichletGen&) = default; DirichletGen(DirichletGen&&) = default; Index dims() const { return alpha.rows(); } template inline Matrix<_Scalar, Dim, -1> generate(Urng&& urng, Index samples) { const Index dim = alpha.size(); Matrix<_Scalar, Dim, -1> ret(dim, samples); Matrix<_Scalar, -1, 1> tmp(samples); for (Index i = 0; i < dim; ++i) { tmp = gammas[i].generateLike(tmp, urng); ret.row(i) = tmp.transpose(); } ret.array().rowwise() /= ret.array().colwise().sum(); return ret; } template inline Matrix<_Scalar, Dim, 1> generate(Urng&& urng) { const Index dim = alpha.size(); Matrix<_Scalar, Dim, 1> ret(dim); for (Index i = 0; i < dim; ++i) { ret[i] = gammas[i].template generate>(1, 1, urng)(0); } ret /= ret.sum(); return ret; } }; /** * @brief helper function constructing Eigen::Rand::DirichletGen * * @tparam AlphaTy * @param alpha The concentration parameters with shape `(Dim, 1)` of matrix or vector. * The number of entries determines the dimensionality of the distribution. * @return an instance of MultinomialGen in the appropriate type */ template inline auto makeDirichletGen(const MatrixBase& alpha) -> DirichletGen::Scalar, MatrixBase::RowsAtCompileTime> { return DirichletGen::Scalar, MatrixBase::RowsAtCompileTime>{ alpha }; } } } #endif