require 'spec_helper.rb' describe Rack::OAuth2::Server::Authorize::Code do let(:request) { app } let(:redirect_uri) { '' } let(:code_verifier) { SecureRandom.hex(16) } let(:code_challenge) { Base64.urlsafe_encode64(OpenSSL::Digest::SHA256.digest(code_verifier)).delete('=') } let(:code_challenge_method) { :S256 } subject { @request } describe 'authorization request' do let :app do do |request, response| @request = request end end context 'when code_challenge is given' do context 'when code_challenge_method is given' do before do request.get "/?response_type=code&client_id=client&redirect_uri=#{redirect_uri}&state=state&code_challenge=#{code_challenge}&code_challenge_method=#{code_challenge_method}" end its(:code_challenge) { should == code_challenge } its(:code_challenge_method) { should == code_challenge_method.to_s } end context 'when code_challenge_method is omitted' do before do request.get "/?response_type=code&client_id=client&redirect_uri=#{redirect_uri}&state=state&code_challenge=#{code_challenge}" end its(:code_challenge) { should == code_challenge } its(:code_challenge_method) { should == nil } end end context 'otherwise' do before do request.get "/?response_type=code&client_id=client&redirect_uri=#{redirect_uri}&state=state" end its(:code_challenge) { should == nil } its(:code_challenge_method) { should == nil } end end describe 'token request' do let(:app) do do |request, response| @request = request response.access_token = 'access_token') end end let(:default_params) do { grant_type: 'authorization_code', client_id: 'client_id', client_secret: 'client_secret', code: 'authorization_code', redirect_uri: '' } end context 'when code_verifier is given' do before do '/', params: default_params.merge( code_verifier: code_verifier ) end its(:code_verifier) { should == code_verifier } describe '#verify_code_verifier!' do context 'when code_verifier is given with code_challenge_method=plain' do it do expect do subject.verify_code_verifier! code_verifier, :plain end.not_to raise_error end end context 'when collect code_challenge is given' do it do expect do subject.verify_code_verifier! code_challenge end.not_to raise_error end end context 'when wrong code_challenge is blank' do it do expect do subject.verify_code_verifier! 'wrong' raise_error Rack::OAuth2::Server::Token::BadRequest, /invalid_grant/ end end context 'when code_challenge is nil' do it do expect do subject.verify_code_verifier! nil raise_error Rack::OAuth2::Server::Token::BadRequest, /invalid_grant/ end end context 'when unknown code_challenge_method is given' do it do expect do subject.verify_code_verifier! code_challenge, :unknown raise_error Rack::OAuth2::Server::Token::BadRequest, /invalid_grant/ end end end end context 'otherwise' do before do '/', params: default_params end its(:code_verifier) { should == nil } describe '#verify_code_verifier!' do context 'when code_verifier is given with code_challenge_method=plain' do it do expect do subject.verify_code_verifier! code_verifier, :plain raise_error Rack::OAuth2::Server::Token::BadRequest, /invalid_grant/ end end context 'when collect code_challenge is given' do it do expect do subject.verify_code_verifier! code_challenge raise_error Rack::OAuth2::Server::Token::BadRequest, /invalid_grant/ end end context 'when wrong code_challenge is blank' do it do expect do subject.verify_code_verifier! 'wrong' raise_error Rack::OAuth2::Server::Token::BadRequest, /invalid_grant/ end end context 'when code_challenge is nil' do it do expect do subject.verify_code_verifier! nil end.not_to raise_error end end context 'when unknown code_challenge_method is given' do it do expect do subject.verify_code_verifier! code_challenge, :unknown raise_error Rack::OAuth2::Server::Token::BadRequest, /invalid_grant/ end end end end end end