=begin PureCloud Platform API With the PureCloud Platform API, you can control all aspects of your PureCloud environment. With the APIs you can access the system configuration, manage conversations and more. OpenAPI spec version: v2 Contact: DeveloperEvangelists@inin.com Generated by: https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git License: ININ http://www.inin.com Terms of Service: https://developer.mypurecloud.com/tos =end require 'date' module PureCloud class InteractionStatsAlert # The globally unique identifier for the object. attr_accessor :id # Name of the rule that generated the alert attr_accessor :name # The dimension of concern. attr_accessor :dimension # The value of the dimension. attr_accessor :dimension_value # The metric to be assessed. attr_accessor :metric # The media type. attr_accessor :media_type # The comparison descriptor used against the metric's value. attr_accessor :numeric_range # The statistic of concern for the metric. attr_accessor :statistic # The threshold value. attr_accessor :value # The id of the rule. attr_accessor :rule_id # Indicates if the alert has been read. attr_accessor :unread # The date/time the alert was created. Date time is represented as an ISO-8601 string. For example: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ attr_accessor :start_date # The date/time the owning rule exiting in alarm status. Date time is represented as an ISO-8601 string. For example: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ attr_accessor :end_date # The ids of users who were notified of alarm state change. attr_accessor :notification_users # A collection of notification methods. attr_accessor :alert_types attr_accessor :rule_uri # The URI for this object attr_accessor :self_uri # Attribute mapping from ruby-style variable name to JSON key. def self.attribute_map { :'id' => :'id', :'name' => :'name', :'dimension' => :'dimension', :'dimension_value' => :'dimensionValue', :'metric' => :'metric', :'media_type' => :'mediaType', :'numeric_range' => :'numericRange', :'statistic' => :'statistic', :'value' => :'value', :'rule_id' => :'ruleId', :'unread' => :'unread', :'start_date' => :'startDate', :'end_date' => :'endDate', :'notification_users' => :'notificationUsers', :'alert_types' => :'alertTypes', :'rule_uri' => :'ruleUri', :'self_uri' => :'selfUri' } end # Attribute type mapping. def self.swagger_types { :'id' => :'String', :'name' => :'String', :'dimension' => :'String', :'dimension_value' => :'String', :'metric' => :'String', :'media_type' => :'String', :'numeric_range' => :'String', :'statistic' => :'String', :'value' => :'Float', :'rule_id' => :'String', :'unread' => :'BOOLEAN', :'start_date' => :'DateTime', :'end_date' => :'DateTime', :'notification_users' => :'Array', :'alert_types' => :'Array', :'rule_uri' => :'String', :'self_uri' => :'String' } end def initialize(attributes = {}) return unless attributes.is_a?(Hash) # convert string to symbol for hash key attributes = attributes.inject({}){|memo,(k,v)| memo[k.to_sym] = v; memo} if attributes[:'id'] self.id = attributes[:'id'] end if attributes[:'name'] self.name = attributes[:'name'] end if attributes[:'dimension'] self.dimension = attributes[:'dimension'] end if attributes[:'dimensionValue'] self.dimension_value = attributes[:'dimensionValue'] end if attributes[:'metric'] self.metric = attributes[:'metric'] end if attributes[:'mediaType'] self.media_type = attributes[:'mediaType'] end if attributes[:'numericRange'] self.numeric_range = attributes[:'numericRange'] end if attributes[:'statistic'] self.statistic = attributes[:'statistic'] end if attributes[:'value'] self.value = attributes[:'value'] end if attributes[:'ruleId'] self.rule_id = attributes[:'ruleId'] end if attributes[:'unread'] self.unread = attributes[:'unread'] else self.unread = false end if attributes[:'startDate'] self.start_date = attributes[:'startDate'] end if attributes[:'endDate'] self.end_date = attributes[:'endDate'] end if attributes[:'notificationUsers'] if (value = attributes[:'notificationUsers']).is_a?(Array) self.notification_users = value end end if attributes[:'alertTypes'] if (value = attributes[:'alertTypes']).is_a?(Array) self.alert_types = value end end if attributes[:'ruleUri'] self.rule_uri = attributes[:'ruleUri'] end if attributes[:'selfUri'] self.self_uri = attributes[:'selfUri'] end end # Custom attribute writer method checking allowed values (enum). def dimension=(dimension) allowed_values = ["queueId", "userId"] if dimension && !allowed_values.include?(dimension) fail "invalid value for 'dimension', must be one of #{allowed_values}" end @dimension = dimension end # Custom attribute writer method checking allowed values (enum). def metric=(metric) allowed_values = ["tAbandon", "tAnswered", "tTalk", "nOffered", "tHandle", "nTransferred", "oServiceLevel", "tWait", "tHeld", "tAcw"] if metric && !allowed_values.include?(metric) fail "invalid value for 'metric', must be one of #{allowed_values}" end @metric = metric end # Custom attribute writer method checking allowed values (enum). def media_type=(media_type) allowed_values = ["voice", "chat", "email"] if media_type && !allowed_values.include?(media_type) fail "invalid value for 'media_type', must be one of #{allowed_values}" end @media_type = media_type end # Custom attribute writer method checking allowed values (enum). def numeric_range=(numeric_range) allowed_values = ["gt", "gte", "lt", "lte", "eq", "ne"] if numeric_range && !allowed_values.include?(numeric_range) fail "invalid value for 'numeric_range', must be one of #{allowed_values}" end @numeric_range = numeric_range end # Custom attribute writer method checking allowed values (enum). def statistic=(statistic) allowed_values = ["count", "min", "ratio", "max"] if statistic && !allowed_values.include?(statistic) fail "invalid value for 'statistic', must be one of #{allowed_values}" end @statistic = statistic end # Check equality by comparing each attribute. def ==(o) return true if self.equal?(o) self.class == o.class && id == o.id && name == o.name && dimension == o.dimension && dimension_value == o.dimension_value && metric == o.metric && media_type == o.media_type && numeric_range == o.numeric_range && statistic == o.statistic && value == o.value && rule_id == o.rule_id && unread == o.unread && start_date == o.start_date && end_date == o.end_date && notification_users == o.notification_users && alert_types == o.alert_types && rule_uri == o.rule_uri && self_uri == o.self_uri end # @see the `==` method def eql?(o) self == o end # Calculate hash code according to all attributes. def hash [id, name, dimension, dimension_value, metric, media_type, numeric_range, statistic, value, rule_id, unread, start_date, end_date, notification_users, alert_types, rule_uri, self_uri].hash end # build the object from hash def build_from_hash(attributes) return nil unless attributes.is_a?(Hash) self.class.swagger_types.each_pair do |key, type| if type =~ /^Array<(.*)>/i if attributes[self.class.attribute_map[key]].is_a?(Array) self.send("#{key}=", attributes[self.class.attribute_map[key]].map{ |v| _deserialize($1, v) } ) else #TODO show warning in debug mode end elsif !attributes[self.class.attribute_map[key]].nil? self.send("#{key}=", _deserialize(type, attributes[self.class.attribute_map[key]])) else # data not found in attributes(hash), not an issue as the data can be optional end end self end def _deserialize(type, value) case type.to_sym when :DateTime DateTime.parse(value) when :Date Date.parse(value) when :String value.to_s when :Integer value.to_i when :Float value.to_f when :BOOLEAN if value.to_s =~ /^(true|t|yes|y|1)$/i true else false end when :Object # generic object (usually a Hash), return directly value when /\AArray<(?.+)>\z/ inner_type = Regexp.last_match[:inner_type] value.map { |v| _deserialize(inner_type, v) } when /\AHash<(?.+), (?.+)>\z/ k_type = Regexp.last_match[:k_type] v_type = Regexp.last_match[:v_type] {}.tap do |hash| value.each do |k, v| hash[_deserialize(k_type, k)] = _deserialize(v_type, v) end end else # model _model = Object.const_get("PureCloud").const_get(type).new _model.build_from_hash(value) end end def to_s to_hash.to_s end # to_body is an alias to to_body (backward compatibility)) def to_body to_hash end # return the object in the form of hash def to_hash hash = {} self.class.attribute_map.each_pair do |attr, param| value = self.send(attr) next if value.nil? hash[param] = _to_hash(value) end hash end # Method to output non-array value in the form of hash # For object, use to_hash. Otherwise, just return the value def _to_hash(value) if value.is_a?(Array) value.compact.map{ |v| _to_hash(v) } elsif value.is_a?(Hash) {}.tap do |hash| value.each { |k, v| hash[k] = _to_hash(v) } end elsif value.respond_to? :to_hash value.to_hash else value end end end end