<% if taxonomy.is_a?(Organization) %> <%= action_buttons( display_link_if_authorized(_("Edit"), hash_for_edit_taxonomy_path(taxonomy) ), display_delete_if_authorized(hash_for_taxonomy_path(taxonomy), :data => { :confirm => _("%s %s has %s Hosts and %s Hostgroups that will need to be reassociated post deletion. Delete %s?") % [taxonomy_title, taxonomy.name, taxonomy.hosts.count, taxonomy.hostgroups.count, taxonomy.name]}, :action => :destroy), (link_to((_("Select hosts to assign to %s") % taxonomy.name), assign_hosts_taxonomy_path(taxonomy)) if @count_nil_hosts > 0), (link_to(n_("Assign the %{count} host with no %{taxonomy_single} to %{taxonomy_name}", "Assign all %{count} hosts with no %{taxonomy_single} to %{taxonomy_name}", @count_nil_hosts) % {:count => @count_nil_hosts, :taxonomy_single => taxonomy_single, :taxonomy_name => taxonomy.name} , assign_all_hosts_taxonomy_path(taxonomy), :method => :post) if @count_nil_hosts > 0) )%> <% else %> <%= action_buttons( display_link_if_authorized(_("Edit"), hash_for_edit_taxonomy_path(taxonomy) ), display_link_if_authorized(_("Nest"), hash_for_nest_taxonomy_path(taxonomy) ), display_link_if_authorized(_("Clone"), hash_for_clone_taxonomy_path(taxonomy) ), display_delete_if_authorized(hash_for_taxonomy_path(taxonomy), :data => { :confirm => _("%s %s has %s Hosts and %s Hostgroups that will need to be reassociated post deletion. Delete %s?") % [taxonomy_title, taxonomy.name, taxonomy.hosts.count, taxonomy.hostgroups.count, taxonomy.name]}, :action => :destroy), (link_to((_("Select hosts to assign to %s") % taxonomy.name), assign_hosts_taxonomy_path(taxonomy)) if @count_nil_hosts > 0), (link_to(n_("Assign the %{count} host with no %{taxonomy_single} to %{taxonomy_name}", "Assign all %{count} hosts with no %{taxonomy_single} to %{taxonomy_name}", @count_nil_hosts) % {:count => @count_nil_hosts, :taxonomy_single => taxonomy_single, :taxonomy_name => taxonomy.name} , assign_all_hosts_taxonomy_path(taxonomy), :method => :post) if @count_nil_hosts > 0) )%> <% end %>